Flex Your Sets


No more Tips from TipsBot? Rip.


Words cannot describe how suspicious this cropping is


Much daggers.

and fame cough


Is this good? :confused:



Yeah man it was a terrible grind


So true, I only got 13

I dont need it I got da real jugg


There’s a flex your vault thread you know


So sexy







(colo as switchout)


why the exa hp


It’s better than expo and I’m poor/stingy.




omg yes r u f2p too!!!
i notice the 4 vaults… :slight_smile:


gosh thats insane
you need to get enough fame so that the numbers go out of the fame box :wink:


Dead archer on the left, current one on the right




same set but with cdirk swapout. too bad i just got banned