Food Thread


Here’s a picture of my college snacc shelf

Ramen, granola bars, chips, fruit snacks and candyshi


Ramen has like, 10^10000000 tons of sodium

don’t eat it like every planck time


college students have immunity to sodium overdoses tho :eyes:


no they don’t lol


Actually, it’s the ramen packet that has sodium. If you cook the noodles and toss the packet and substitute eggs or something it’s much better.


So just boil eggs+noodles in a pot with water without the packet?


Just make good noodles smh


Boullian cube


but msg lol


Jesus christ msg is not the problem. Msg is a natural chemical that is present in everything from fish to fucking celery. It is not harmful, any more than salt is harmful. The negative connatations surrounding MSG are a remenant of a racist response against Chinese food.


Yeah pretty much, don’t forget salt. If you feel up to it add ham, cilantro, seaweed, or other ingredients


Hell, if MSG gives you a headache, how come all of China isn’t dying of migraines?


That’s my point. Unless you’re agreeing with me, in which case, yeah you go, man!


Midnight snacc?




Ew California


I don’t live there, CandyShi does.


Ew California :^)


Ew California


Ew California