Food Thread


Christ i consume around 1400 or 1300 a day

Also here is some Lebanese food I previously posted on the general chat thread I think




Yall cant even compare to my legendary like maybe 2500 calories :^)


im a teenager who works out. I end up eating a lot…


wheezus christ


I hope you are eating your potatoes and beets


What are these calories you speak of…?


id say most of my calories come from bread potatoes meats and cheese. Then for snacks I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits


My own personal brew


Did you guys know there can be mini capsicum inside another capsicum?


What’s that? Koolaid and menstrual fluid?


It’s Sprite Zero with Dragonfruit VitaminWater :^)


this made me laugh so hard I missed lab boss >:(


shit I actually took about 100mL of ass blood and shook it up with my clear piss


Eating food with a comrade


Plus rice ofc


If you put oyster sauce on the gai lan it tastes really good




Y tho


i dont need to answer that :shushing_face: