Fortune Teller - Staff Class Skin


This is a skin I made for the staff classes, I would call it fortune teller.


“Hey, that’s pretty good!” Would use this all day erry day


Thanks! Its my first sprite so I didn’t think it would be good or not.


If Deca could get the dye maps right :ok_hand:


if the accessory dye colors the gem at the top of the staff…


Good idea and sprite, but I kinda feel like the skin should go with mystic instead of wizard, since fortune tellers are generally shown using an orb. An orb could also rest on the fortune teller’s hand as part of the skin.


I thought about it but I’m bad at sprites and couldn’t even think of myself making an orb that looked good enough, also, mystic uses a staff too, so it could be applied to both


Ugh, I don’t want to think about that.


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