Gladiator (v4) | Game 5 | Sign-Up Phase


We follow through with what we start


It was a gambling death and it hurt so much.


The other teams were disadvantaged from the start.

they weren’t us


ok twitch “help team what do i do” ystr



:slight_smile: thats me im disposable uselessness


this was team 2’s group chat icon btw


That was the alliance icon too until we killed demonseye


no it was yellow


Round 1 be like


They had the disadvantage of only having 4 members


@orsome i suggested you counter and block, but you didn’t(well at least you blocked), why?. just curious.

and @Mynamerr sorry i couldn’t revive you(though i’m not sure if it would’ve made any difference).


cus I’m pretty well known for not being particularly smart

Real reason: I forgot about sledgehammer and wanted to garner up some coins off of twitchy instead lol


I was expecting to get attacked :c


@RareMeat where is the official aftermath with awards and crap?


you can’t escape the gaaaaaaaaaaaay

embrace your homo desires and be free my children


Platformz and Nameness stand over Orsome’s dead body, looking down at it. Twitchystr quickly approaches them, having freed themselves from the sticky net. Nameness looks at them and then over at TROLLDLLR, who is hiding behind their shield.

“What were you doing?” Asks Nameness.

TROLLDLLR peeks out from their shield and slowly joins their team, examining Orsome’s body. The right avatar floats towards the group and stares at them before removing Orsome’s body. After doing so, it stares at them again. The crack glows faintly. It then turns it’s head away and floats away. The team all look at each other.

The right avatar floats back to the middle and left avatar, who are mid-conversation.

“So, that’s it? We’re going to let four combatants walk away?” Complains the left avatar.

“Yes.” Answers the middle avatar.

Nameness takes out their fireworks, to cheers from the rest of their team. “It’d be a shame to waste these.” As Nameness sets them up, the right avatar floats over and swallows them. Nameness stares at it and frowns. The right avatar floats away.

Platformz approaches Carl, who is cleaning their shop. They hand Carl the two coins they had leftover. “Is this enough to buy your heart?”

Carl looks between the coins and Platformz. “No, but it’s a good start.” They slide the coins inside their cloak.

“Everyone stand back.” Says the middle avatar to the other two avatars. “I’m going to figure us a way out.”

“Weren’t you the one who brought us here?” Asks the left avatar.

The middle avatar stares at it. “Yes.”

The left avatar glances at the right avatar. “I have a question, where do the combatants you remove come from when they’re revived?”

The right avatar fails to respond.

16 combatants entered, 17 steamrolling rounds proceeded. An entire team remained afterwards; comprised of Twitchystr, Platformz, Nameness and TROLLDLLR, Team 4 emerged victorious with little standing in their way. Only suffering a minor setback in the form of a gambling death, Team 4 plowed through their opponents after each team except for theirs suffered 2 idle deaths each. They later revived TROLLDLLR just in time to face their unlikely final opponent, Orsome, who had somehow avoided being roasted earlier in the game. With the aid of the powerful Sledgehammer, Orsome was turned into duck mush and victory was secured. Not everything went smoothly, however, with the game getting off to a bad start when I accidentally made counter too powerful. The issue was soon remedied.

List Of Actions

Kill Counter:
Plaformz - 2
LudwiGa - 1
NyanGamer - 1
Rabcord - 1
Nameness - 1

Assist Counter:
Platformz - 2
Nameness - 2
XBookwyrmX - 1
Mynamerr - 1
LudwiGa - 1
Rabcord - 1
Gidey - 1


Round 1: No Deaths
Round 2: No Deaths
Round 3: Maddymoon (Killed By Idle)
Round 4: Demonseye (Killed By LudwiGa), TROLLDLLR (Killed By Gambling), LudwiGa (Killed by LudwiGa)
Round 5: ItsLALM (Killed By Idle)
Round 6: PiiNeS (Killed By Idle)
Round 7: No Deaths
Round 8: Gidey (Killed By Platformz)
Round 9: No Deaths
Round 10: No Deaths
Round 11: Mynamerr (Killed By Mynamerr)
Round 12: NyanGamer (Killed By Rabcord)
Round 13: No Deaths
Round 14: Demonseye (Killed By Platformz)
Round 15: No Deaths
Round 16: Rabcord (Killed By Rabcord)
Round 17: Orsome (Killed By Nameness)


Round 1: No Purchases
Round 2: Nameness Purchases Fireworks
Round 3: Demonseye Purchases Sledgehammer, Nameness Purchases Pickpocket
Round 4: Team 4 Purchases Soul Saviour, Nameness Purchases Hologram Machine
Round 5: Team 2 Purchases Soul Saviour
Round 6: Platformz Purchases Magic Mirror, Gidey Purchases Friendship Bracelet
Round 7: Platformz Purchases Void Pendant, Nameness Purchases Longsword, Rabcord Purchases Blood Oath
Round 8: Orsome Purchases Sticky Net
Round 9: Team 3 Purchases Cleaning Product, Demonseye Purchases Blood Oath
Round 10: Platformz Purchases Void Pendant, XBookwyrmX Purchases Friendship Bracelet, Nameness Purchases Sledgehammer
Round 11: Team 1 Purchases Fluorescent Orb
Round 12: Platformz Purchases Friendship Bracelet
Round 13: Team 1 Purchases Fluorescent Orb, Demonseye Purchases Sledgehammer
Round 14: Twitchystr Purchases Sticky Net, Nameness Purchases Pickpocket
Round 15: Platformz Purchases Magic Mirror
Round 16: Nameness Purchases Sledgehammer, Rabcord Purchases Blood Oath
Round 17: No Purchases


More than 50% of PiiNeS’s attacks were targeted against TROLLDLLR

ItsLALM never attacked

Blood Thirsty
Platformz attacked the most times, attacking 15 times

Orsome was successfully attacked the most times, being attacked 4 times

Back At You
Demonseye successfully countered the most times, successfully countering 6 times

Short Lived
Maddymoon was the first to die

First Loser
Orsome was the last to die

Frequent Customer
Nameness purchased the most items from the shop, purchasing 7 items

The Good Stuff
Twitchystr and Rabcord both successfully healed the most times, healing 9 times each

Platformz blocked the most times, blocking 11 times

NyanGamer didn’t use any items at all

Look At My New Toy!
Nameness used the most items, using 6 items

Deep Pockets
Nameness hoarded the most coins, having 9 coins at once

Combatant Stats

Died: Round 4 (Revived), Round 14
Successful Actions: 13
Failed Actions: 11
Idle Actions: 1
Attacks: 4
Heals: 8
Blocks: 0
Counters: 10
Repairs: 0
Uses: 2


Died: Survived
Successful Actions: 20
Failed Actions: 10
Idle Actions: 2
Attacks: 5
Heals: 9
Blocks: 8
Counters: 6
Repairs: 1
Uses: 1


Died: Survived
Successful Actions: 24
Failed Actions: 10
Idle Actions: 0
Attacks: 15
Heals: 2
Blocks: 11
Counters: 1
Repairs: 3
Uses: 2


Died: Round 12
Successful Actions: 13
Failed Actions: 7
Idle Actions: 2
Attacks: 4
Heals: 5
Blocks: 5
Counters: 4
Repairs: 1
Uses: 1


Died: Survived
Successful Actions: 27
Failed Actions: 7
Idle Actions: 0
Attacks: 9
Heals: 8
Blocks: 4
Counters: 5
Repairs: 2
Uses: 6


Died: Round 12
Successful Actions: 16
Failed Actions: 6
Idle Actions: 0
Attacks: 8
Heals: 5
Blocks: 6
Counters: 2
Repairs: 1
Uses: 0


Died: Round 16
Successful Actions: 20
Failed Actions: 12
Idle Actions: 0
Attacks: 7
Heals: 9
Blocks: 8
Counters: 4
Repairs: 4
Uses: 0


Died: Round 8
Successful Actions: 11
Failed Actions: 5
Idle Actions: 0
Attacks: 6
Heals: 4
Blocks: 5
Counters: 0
Repairs: 0
Uses: 1


Died: Round 3
Successful Actions: 1
Failed Actions: 1
Idle Actions: 2
Attacks: 1
Heals: 1
Blocks: 0
Counters: 0
Repairs: 0
Uses: 0


Died: Round 5
Successful Actions: 5
Failed Actions: 1
Idle Actions: 2
Attacks: 0
Heals: 2
Blocks: 2
Counters: 1
Repairs: 1
Uses: 0


Died: Round 5
Successful Actions: 6
Failed Actions: 4
Idle Actions: 0
Attacks: 3
Heals: 2
Blocks: 3
Counters: 2
Repairs: 0
Uses: 0


Died: Round 12
Successful Actions: 15
Failed Actions: 9
Idle Actions: 0
Attacks: 6
Heals: 6
Blocks: 7
Counters: 3
Repairs: 2
Uses: 0


Died: Round 17
Successful Actions: 22
Failed Actions: 10
Idle Actions: 1
Attacks: 6
Heals: 7
Blocks: 10
Counters: 5
Repairs: 3
Uses: 1


Died: Round 6
Successful Actions: 6
Failed Actions: 2
Idle Actions: 2
Attacks: 4
Heals: 1
Blocks: 3
Counters: 0
Repairs: 0
Uses: 0


Died: Round 4 (Revived), Survived
Successful Actions: 9
Failed Actions: 3
Idle Actions: 0
Attacks: 2
Heals: 4
Blocks: 4
Counters: 1
Repairs: 1
Uses: 0


Died: Round 4
Successful Actions: 3
Failed Actions: 3
Idle Actions: 1
Attacks: 2
Heals: 1
Blocks: 1
Counters: 2
Repairs: 0
Uses: 0

This game didn’t have a single round with the The Rich Get Richer modifier. Every single combatant managed to avoid having four failed actions in a row, despite the Rainbow arena, which plagued at least one combatant during the previous games. The combatants that committed seppuku this game were LudwiGa and Mynamerr, both by counter and the lowest amount of seppuku’s in a game thus far.

Orsome is MVP for having survived for so long


Sign me up.

Not even one word about my counter + heal smh


yeah cause it was boring


The following have been chosen by Team 4 for Game 4:

Partners In Crime

Round Modifiers - Every 3 Rounds
Twist - Bow And Arrow
Arena - Twilight Forest
Formation - Duos

Shop Items

  1. Temporal Deathfield
  2. Stance Change
  3. Flame Barrier
  4. Forced Agreement
  5. Magnetic Personality
  6. Jim, Moral Support Man
  7. Empathetic Bond
  8. Mouse Puppeteer
  9. Tome Of Greed
  10. Necromantic Blade
  11. Throwing Knives
  12. Metabolic Boost

9-10 will only be included in a 15+ combatant game and 11-12 will only be included in a 20 combatant game

sign ups begin now!

(the unknown arena and items functions will be revealed once the changelog is finished)