[Forum Game] In Six Frames Or Less


OtherBill is actually two tricksters
Trickster mode makes people go insane
Insanity may lead to suicide
There are quite some suicide memes

The Black Box to Equius Zahhak


The Black Box is from a game
There are many things I don’t know about games
I don’t know what Equius Zahhak is

Zlushy to Erasers


zlushy was banned
banned is to remove things
eraser removes things

Phantom to Helium


Phantom ends with the m
Helium ends with the m

Me to Scorchmist (besides that we are on REalmEye


Me is a word
Scorchmist is also a word

Someone prob used that already, but oh well

Sound to Pimples


Your name Cenamuch has the name Cena in it,
John Cena has Cena in it,
John Cena was on fire,
scorch is synonym to fire,
@Scorchmist has scorch.
(darn Scorch you typed too fast)


Yeah get ninja’d.


Sound is often in the shape of words,
words are often used to harass ugly people,
Some people consider pimples to be ugly.

Spambots to vodka.


efnui is a spambot
efnui had a vodka pic in discord ( i think)

Psychology to Earth


Psychology is the science of behavior and mind,
humans are the only creatures to have minds capable of abstract thought,
humans predominantly live on earth.

Peanuts to black holes.


peanuts are food
food at in kitchens
kitchens are in houses
vacuum cleaners are in houses
vaccuum cleaners are described as black holes

Edge to power


The killing edge is a fire emblem weapon
It gives a high chance of a critical
Critical hits are very powerful
Powerful is the adjective version of power.

White bags —> trash can


white bags are good
trash cans are bad

black man—>folder


Black men are black
Folders can also be black
Black men = Folder

lel xd = ppe btw


people that say “lel xd” say “ppe btw” in a sentence usually…

Timber to Glucose.


Timber has to do with wood
Some animals live in the woods
We eat some animals
Glucose is occasionally in the things we eat


You forgot to put the two words to link together…


gas and orange


Oxygen is nature is almost always in gas form.
Photosynthesis uses water and CO2 to create oxygen and glucose.
Plants put glucose in fruits to make them desirable for animals to eat.
Oranges are fruit.
Oranges are orange.

Lego to algae.


Lego can be green
Algae can be green

Medusa with white demon (no rotmg connections)