[Forum Game] Keep the Cookie (merged)


Nameness’ method of obtaining cookies take too long; he drops the cookie after running, trips, and falls into the sewer.

My :cookie:


I execute a series of 65 orders to distract you; on the 66th I steal your cookie while you’re distracted.

My :cookie:


I convince everyone that your a Jedi, you get shot about 300 times
My :cookie:


The Chosen One betrays you, your plans are foiled.
My :cookie:


I am the chosen one, and I seize the cookie.

My :cookie:


I have the high ground, and thus obtain the cookie
My :cookie:


I use my magic powers to make the cookie unrecognisable to you, then steal the cookie which you think is actually a pig.

My :pig2:(:cookie:)


But I am a freaking pig enthusiast
I run up tackle you and take the pig back
My :pig2: (:cookie:)


I love bacon!
My :bacon: (:cookie:)


I transmutate the :bacon: into an :apple: and steal the :apple:.

My :apple:(:bacon:(:cookie:))


I use alchemy to turn the apple into gold which I form back into a golden cookie (but in the wrong shape by accident)
My :fortune_cookie:


you snap the :fortune_cookie: open
your fortune reads:

This cookie is fake!

I have the real one
My :cookie:


I snap open another fortune cookie, and inside it is the real cookie.
My :cookie:


But that cookie is made out of paper. I have the real cookie.

My :cookie:


But I cracked open another fortune cookie, which revealed that omicron had the cookie. I then promptly flooded your house with fortune cookies, leaving with the real cookie.

My :cookie:


i take the cookie and hide it in…

my :cookie:

in order to take the cookie you must discover where the cookie is…
quote my entire post


I’m in his basement, and as you hid the cookie I reach out and take it, then go hide. Now where am I?
My :cookie:


in his basement

my :cookie:


No I’m not still in his basement.
There’s a location thing on profiles.
I’m still hiding with the cookie, my :cookie: until you find me


you’re in MY basement!
unfortunately for you, as an australian, I have no basement
as such, you are nowhere.
but the cookie?
No, the cookie is still here.
the cookie is still here, because…
i am here
i am the cookie

i am me
therefore my :cookie: