[Forum Game] Keep the Cookie (merged)


NO! its mine!
my :cookie:


mmmmy :cookie:


:frowning: >:U I COMMAND IT
my :cookie:


You said U I COMMAND IT. UI means user interface, so the User interface commands it. But I am the commander of the UI.

My :cookie:


ty my :cookie:


My :cookie:


my :cookie:


You said it!

My :cookie:


Butā€¦ you just said ā€œitā€ also.

My :cookie:


But you also said that word that Endertimes said which resulted in the loss of his cookie.

My :cookie:


I electrocute you.
My cookie


My Seismitoadā€™s ground type moves wreck your pikachu.

My :cookie:


My myself isnā€™t a pokeman. I donā€™t need to take your seriously.

My :cookie:.


Check your privilege.
My :cookie:


im orange
my :cookie:


Iā€™m blue. Oh wait, not anymore.

My :cookie:.

(I kinda regret getting out of blue, I was one of the elit forum blue stars. Welp, too late for that)


im light blue

my :cookie:


I will give you my pet doge and steal it while the doge is cuddling on you.

My :cookie:


its called a shibe.

My :cookie:


I donā€™t care

My :cookie: or die