[Forum Game] Keep the Cookie (merged)


My :cookie:


I use my elite math skills to change the 5 to a 4
My :cookie:


But I’m asian and I disprove that theory.

My :cookie:


U ARE ALSO LIGHT BLUE STAR!!! soz for starism
my :cookie:


I fame train to white star
My :cookie:


All of these recent comments are not witty whatsoever and make little to no sense, so I shall take this to the next level.

I roll a 20 for maximum notoriety.

I derail the fame train with a dungeon opening, but surprise! It’s everyone’s favorite: the Ice Tomb. Everyone dies and/or Nexus’s, and I, the one and only NeedAWig, waltz up, and snatch the cookie out of your cold, dead hands.

My :cookie:



My :cookie:

(just kidding)


NeedAWig’s long comment distracts @Endertimes and I steal the cookie out of his hands.

My :cookie:


Nothing can distract me from a :cookie: except somebody else giving me more :cookie:.

My :cookie:.


Toriel enter the room and distracts you.

My :cookie:


I turn back the flow of space time so that I get the original cookie before anyone else
My :cookie:


Yeah but time travel is a myth

My :cookie:


I trap Oryx and release his insta-shotgun-of-doom in your characters whilst you sleep peacefully, all because you disagree with the thought of time travel.
My :cookie:
Which, BTW, I don’t think could exist anywhere in the near future, but within a couple of millennia it could be a reality. You never know.



my :cookie:


I congratulate you with your witty response, and while I am showering you in praise for your response, Oryx pops into a reality and uses his insta-shotgun-of-death on your IRL self. I steal the slightly smoking cookie from your charred body.
My :cookie:


I still don’t care.

my :cookie:


You stole my answer from a few post ago.

My :cookie:.


I quote your text to distract you
My :cookie:


But the cookie is actually a dog biscuit! Its a big sacrifice I know, but the cookie is more important.

My :cookie:


I bake a new cookie to avoid having to see who currently has it and why. I add rainbow sprinkles and chocolate chips because WHY NOT?
My :cookie: