[Forum Game] Keep the Cookie (merged)


youring pointing?

My :cookie:


this is a Rotmg forum, not Terraria
My :cookie:


Lol i have a diamond sword with sharpness 3 and smite 2

My :cookie:


It’s not minecraft
My :cookie:


Rotmg is minecraft

My :cookie:


So Deca is fake and the owner of this game is MOJANG so are you sure about that?
My :cookie:


No u
my :cookie:


no u

My :cookie:.


I took the cookie from your cookie cabinet.

My :cookie:.


I have a cookie jar.

My :cookie:


Me too :smiley:

My :cookie:


I destroy your cookie jar and take all of theme
My :cookie:


ur mom gave me ur cookies lol

mein :cookie:


I snuck into your house when you where asleep and stole the cookie and broke all variables with a baseball bat.

My :cookie:


Post number 1000!

My :cookie:!


Im post nr 1001. So i have 1001 ways to beat you
My :cookie:


I’m more collector than you.

My :cookie:.


Ah, but number one is more a collectors item than 1000
So it @Dylzo :cookie: than! (Dang it its not mine)



My :cookie:



My cookie