[Forum Game] Keep the Cookie (merged)


i miss your old profile pic plz change

my :cookie:


I think this is the worst forum game I’ve seen so far.
My :cookie:.


its 7:56

edit: it just turned 7:57 RIGHT when i posted this


It’s 2:09 am where I live.
My :cookie:.


why are you up





don’t even remember what you’re talking about
I keep the cookie
My :cookie:


i want cookie

now gibe back

my :cookie:


no u
my :cookie:




wat is this
my :cookie:


I carjacked Cenamuch and got his cookie. My cookie :cookie:


i rip your fingernails off then put alcohol over the wound

then i cut your arms and legs off

my :cookie:


i shit


My :cookie:




My :cookie:




my :cookie:
[Back from a break from forums :slight_smile: -D$]



[My cookie :cookie: -OB]