[Forum Game] Misquote the person above you!


wrong thread i think


Well, are u gay or not?


Wtf get outta my swamp thot.




Oh. Well then




Luckily, it’s on my home server and timezone


For someone who’s named literature, you’re not very well versed in literature


Might wanna check my name and your grammar





Nope, wrong. My birthday is in July


Was I supposed to?


I don’t remember if I was surprised by my birth, I probably was because I had been in the same place for 9 months.


get outta ur mom’s basement man


But which mod was I stalking in their basement?


Tmi. Bet it was shatter tho



Idk but it looks gross. Wth candyshi…


Boi lemme come with you three. We’ll have fun :smiley:


Do you know de muffin man?