[Forum Game] Misquote the person above you!


Was having trouble finding inspiration for changed quote :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, you too? I thought I was the only one…


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Everyone knows zeros are hallucinations.


Uh, it does


Hohoho! I wouldn’t be so sure as to claim that It doesn’t exist!


uh… ok




Tf do u have against the Savior of Ducks?


Duck eating duck.


Why did we need to know this?




I…I guess to each their own, right?


woah hold on there, that’s a little over the top don’t you think?


Depends on how tall you are.

While I was trying to find pictures to make a small top/big bottom ship dynamic joke, I found that googling that gave me actual ship pictures. Absolutely not what I expected nor wanted.


8-ball ?




ik it made me laugh


Ok then