[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!


https:// hypixel .net/account/UserNameChange


@MetaDabos Hi, I would like to buy your Fenumus, First of the Night listed for 16 chaos in Metamorph (stash tab “~price 16 chaos zzs”; position: left 1, top 2)


Grâce à votre pouvoir de Mentaliste vous déduisez que le vote se porte bien.






This sentence has 42 characters. 42 is known as “the number of the life and universe and everything.”

Everything. Everything = 10 letters. What else got 10 letters ? Yes. DivineOryx.
LudwiGa recently replied to DivineOryx.

Don’t ask. Just, don’t ask.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


That wasn’t finished.


lol @Demonseye I have a question, did you actually count how many letters were in that hmm?






Warning : end is not for young audiences.






@Zomgief Hi, I would like to buy your Starkonja’s Head Silken Hood listed for 3 chaos in Metamorph (stash tab “~price 3 chaos”; position: left 1, top 1)


Vous avez observé le joueur aimermwasvp comme étant un(e) Loup Blanc.


「STAND NAME」 Archer Experience Requiem
「ABILITY」 Nullification of death when the user plays focused

was going for a JoJoke and didn’t post it for some reason




I couldn’t make a subscript n in google docs, so I had to copy it >_<


(3 times < small > just to clarify)