[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!


why did you reply to me?


It’s a special occurrence when someone is too lazy to scroll to the top.


There’s a Reply button at the bottom too… -_-



I sexually identify as a single, Pringle, ready to mingle. Ever since I was a potato I dreamed of being thin sliced, covered in disgusting oil then heated in a medium oven until reaching climax at the micro second of golden-browness. People bully me, and say things like “what the fuck, you aren’t a Pringle”, but I know deep down they are just jealous of my inner beauty. I have already started hiding in cylinders all day, and now im improving my crunchiness by regularly burning my sides on the stove. I want you guys to respect my natural ability to instantly satisfy low salt carb cravings, and if you don’t you are oppressing me, and you should check your diabetes type. Thank you for being so understanding.





Would like it, not b/c I want you to get banned, but b/c I want to see whether OB would enforce that stupid rule.




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What if someone didn’t see that thread and made one O.O




De atalanta (Vanessa atalanta) of admiraalvlinder of nummervlinder is een van de meest voorkomende vlinders in België en Nederland.





from yinnyyarnsbarn when i showed my friends in another disc…





There are quite a few experiments about this which figured out the numbers for quite a few bosses, however the sb threshhold isnt the same for all kinds of drops, for example, 100 damage on an avatar might be enough for a tablet, while for a pot you might need 1000.

