[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!




(doing something about what loot you can get from a single castle+janus+chamber+WC run)


PPE BTW lel xD



Image result for what did you bring upon this cursed land






/give @p written_book{pages:[’{“text”:“C’est presque la fin de la map
\n\nIl ne reste plus qu’à rĂ©clamer tes prix ! Mais avant, j’aimerais faire\nun peu de pub pour\nma map Escape the Lost Halls. Le but est de s’échapper dans un environnement mysterieux et”}’,’["",{“text”:“angoissant, en collectant divers outils qui vous aident dans votre quĂšte.\n\nElle a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©e sur Minecraft France,\nque vous pouvez accĂ©der “},{“text”:”>ICI<”,“clickEvent”:{“action”:“open_url”,“value”:"https://www.minecraft-france.fr/map-escape-the-lost-halls/"}},{“text”:"."}]’],title:“melons.exe”,author:Urgle}


[haha no]


bruh not even surprised


huh oh yeah forgot I had this





[exposure of @InfamousX ] didnt remember this was on my cliboard




someone with a 3 letter name that starts with L ends with d and has a cat pfp



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damn lol


“I have never read a poem extolling the virtues of pain, nor seen a statue erected in its honor, nor heard a hymn dedicated to it.”


Every year’s end at the end of December,
Right after the turkeys of November,
The Realm is filled with hope,

[preparation for the carol discord event]
