[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!











cat ‘./DATEI’|(while read l; do f=$(echo $l|cut -d ‘/’ -f 2); n=$(echo $f|cut -d ‘.’ -f 1|sed “s/_/ /g”); echo $f; echo $n; sed “s//$n/g” $f >$f.new.gpx; done;)


Lol, I was trying to explain something to one of my sisters, and this came up; I couldn’t stop laughing for about a minute

Probably not very funny out of context though









[some details omitted]
Recently switched to a 2-monitor setup, definitely convenient.



feeling cute, might delete later?


looks like jacksepticeye




-partial colorblind support (currently just symbols on Fix Wiring)
-there’s now a cap to how many Crewmates can get MedBay: Submit Scan each round
-Comms Sabotage on MIRA HQ now clears the history of the Doorlog
-addition of Anonymous Votes setting; when enabled, all voters appear gray at the end of meetings
-addition of Task Bar Updates setting; controls when the task bar visually increases, task win still possible even if bar isn’t visually full (current settings include Always (normal), Meetings, and Never)