[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!



Was fixing my class lore using Brunear’s expert grammar. (is that a thing?)



say_team Übercharge A C T I V A T E D


Alright don’t question me when I post this…


Was making a shitpost on Imgur and I had this copied…

  • Force Candyshi to kill his best character
  • Force Candishi to drop his best items

0 voters

@ candyshi :wink:

got ninja’d like 5 times on this or that so I copied and pasted it into a new comment so it didn’t look like I got ninja’d
Edit: added space so I didn’t have to notify Candy for no reason.


@vlad makes a cameo

@stuartcat dies




If A;B;C;D;G and H are near you and the others are further away.
You will see A;B,C,D,H and G b/c only the 4 closest locked people will be shown.




The damage has been done :disappointed:


yes RE this is a fucking complete sentence jesus


(not me)


Lol, whomst be that scrub at 5:00 who’s never seen a jade statue before?

Oh wait…

To be fair like I was clearly lagging.


much rip



‘Today is not looking good for you, you should stay inside’


I get mentioned and click the notif only to see it deleted


jheeze joined sean’s guild, so i hope he will consider leaving


If any of my fans want me in their guild, I will happily join for a few days :).