[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!


looks like a fish :thinking:




edit: lmao wtf is this :joy: when did I do that


Ew stop pirating anime! Go to crunchy roll!


Crunchyroll doesn’t have all anime titles and if you don’t have premium, it’s not worth watching there


Then you tell me where you go to watch anime.





[A screenshot of my university schedule]


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insert white bags here


[Nothing xD]


print(‘Frequency of letters for’, book1_name)
for letter in sorted_letter:
bar = Text_Tools.draw_bar(letter[0], letter[1], +)




./tell mreyeball tag scammer kudziok



mystring: .asciz "Name\: [omitted]\nnetID\: [omitted]\nAssignment 1b\: inout\n"

askstring: .asciz "What is the number you want to increment?\n"

formatstr: .asciz "%ld"

newline: .asciz "\n"

.global main

	pushq	%rbp			# Prologue: push the base pointer
	movq	%rsp, %rbp		# and copy stack pointer to RBP

	movq 	$0, %rax		# no vector registers in use for printf
	movq	$mystring, %rdi		# load string adress
	call	printf			# call printf routine
	movq	$0, %rax		# no vector registers in use for printf
	movq	$askstring, %rdi	# load string adress
	call	printf			# call printf routine

	movq	%rbp, %rsp		# Epilogue: clear local variables from stack
	popq	%rbp			# restore base pointer

	call	inout			# calls inout

	movq	$0, %rdi		# load exit code
	call	exit			# call exit function

	pushq	%rbp			# push base pointer
	movq	%rsp, %rbp		# copy stack pointer to RBP

	subq	$8, %rsp		# reserve stack space for variable
	leaq	-8(%rbp), %rsi		# load adress of stack var in rsi
	movq	$formatstr, %rdi	# load first argument of scanf
	movq	$0, %rax		# no vector registers for scanf
	call 	scanf			# call scanf routine

	incq	-8(%rbp)		# increment
	movq	-8(%rbp), %rsi		# load adress of stack var in rsi
	movq	$0, %rax		# no vector registers in use for printf
	movq	$formatstr, %rdi	# load string adress
	call	printf			# call printf routine
	movq	$0, %rax		# no vector registers in use for printf
	movq	$newline, %rdi		# load string adress
	call	printf			# call printf routine

	movq	%rbp, %rsp		# epilogue: clear local variables from stack
	popq	%rbp			# restore caller's base pointer


op for life @mynamerr op for life @mynamerr op for life @mynamerr op for life @mynamerr op for life @mynamerr


carbon steel