[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!




Don’t put mad robe on a necro, put a gsorc on them instead. Gsorc gives more wis than mrobe, and since skulls have wismod and skulls are op…


1 wis doesn’t make enough of a difference for me to be willing to shell out a life to buy one


Fair enough.


“The series documented some 406 victims and 24,000 acres of land valued at tens of millions
of dollars,”


uhh yeah


you should consider leaving sourcestone society


well i dont know any other lost halls discords


their leaders are probably dupers and many members and hackers. i can hook you up with a pub LH discord. but leave fast, because other discords are banning you if you are in that discord





Nice SD…


What’s SD?


Do you know to draw anime character?



I can draw the anime okay good.

Ehh, fairly well.


add pungency in cuisines worldwide


With all due respect, sir, I simply cannot condone this action! What this post sayeth simply dost not sitteth well with me, and I absolutely wilt not concur with these outlandish ideas. Hast thou nay ingraft sense? Hast thou nay shame? What hath becometh of thou? I did has’t originally did do bethink of thou as a sir of honor, yet what I see hither is a clear indication of treachery! Thou may blaspheme nay longer, for the moderators of this forum shalt smite thou in their glory, and thou shalt beest banned for ever and ever. Did let the gods of the realm wot yond thou did do bring this fate upon yourself, and what thou declare hither shalt still remain a blemish upon thy life!


was having trouble with file