[Forum game] Realm 2020 the great election






Because this is a nice post


Hello. My name is Samille Samma and I want to make realm great again. I will achieve this through multiple methods:

  1. I will create an official trading spot for all heros of the realm to trade
  2. I will destroy all spambots by appointing delgates that will perform that job honorably
  3. I will create a revival method of heros using a bunch of fame!
  4. I will regulate the economy and create universal potion trading locations and also force the tinkerer to share his gear!
  5. I will create weekly quests to complete to reward heroes even more!

So much more but those are just the ones on my mind right now!

If you vote for the great Samille Samma, there is only one ‘drawback’ - you have to do janus every single run!

  • Would Vote
  • Wouldn’t Vote

0 voters

I think you forgot this


this is my only problem with this, it would totally wreck game balancing.

also, what do you mean by appointing delegates?


They call me Gamma and I am running for president.
My policies:

  1. Potion Coverage and Insurance: I’ve seen that a lot of people in the Nexus are going around unpotted and unmaxed. I’ve seen people dying and losing all of their possessions. That’s why I’m starting an insurance system. You heard it. We’re gonna have great potion coverage, folks. Some say may even the best. Note: Only yellow stars and above receive this benefit. Other people? Not my problem.

  2. Protecting the Nexus Grounds: We’re gonna build a wall right by the Nexus/Realm border (maybe even extend beyond that, because I do love more land). The goblins will pay for it in Realm Gold. Why do we need a wall if the Nexus is actually a barren realm with no threat? I don’t know. I just like the idea.

  3. We Need Oil: It’s all about the oil and GLife, people. We’re going to establish over one thousand off-shore oil rigs in the Realm, and another five hundred GLife factories where we dupe and sell…Wait. Dude you’re giving me the wrong papers. Ah, here we go. Ahem. We will manufacture and import the potions for me and…Dude! Stop with the typos. Okay. AHEM. We will import them for the people who need them most.

  4. Getting Rid of Spambots: We need to get rid of all these illegal immigrants. They are taking too much space in the Nexus, taking our jobs, and ruining our economy. I will deport them all to the Realm if I am elected as dictator…President. Not dictator. President.

  5. Taxes: They go to me. Duh. Light blue stars all the way to orange stars will have to pay the normal taxes. 8GL per month, blah blah blah. Yellow stars and white stars will only have pay 3GL because they are cool. Except me. I don’t pay taxes. I’m the government. We will be spending 95% of our Nexus treasury on military research, 5% on medical care and hospitals, and nothing on education. Education isn’t important. I thought you guys knew that already.

  6. Military: We’ll be spending 1,550 Decas monthly for purchasing military equipment like Pixies, Etherites, other ST items, and so on. The rest of military funds are yet undecided. These ST items will be distributed by the 'Murica Nexus Military (eMiNeM for short).

  7. Delegates: Diamondest made a very good point on appointing delegates! So I decided that I will be appointing some as well. They are all corrupt. And they don’t have honor.

  8. The Issue with Drugs: Do I care? No. Long as the speed sprout smugglers give me a portion of their profits, I’m turning a blind eye. No, it’s not bribery. Why? Because everyone knows. It’s not bribery if everyone knows.

Also, if I somehow lose the election, it’s because online voting is rigged. Gamma2020.

  • Would vote!
  • Would vote.
  • All of the above.

0 voters


This would make more sense if you were an orange star. I wish I could like this twice


wouldn’t vote, but take my like lmao


No, when i say a bunch i mean so much its almost not worth it unless you hold the character dear to your heart as the system should be. Think 200k dead fame to revive your favourite char


hmmm… just get character up to 200k dead fame, do o3 solo petless t1 sword, die, revive, rinse, repeat!


If you can consistently get a character to 200k dead fame, then you either have insane dodging skills or you grind discords 24/7. People in the latter group most likely would not want to attempt such a feat, and people in the former are so rare that it wouldn’t be a real problem


He’s saying you would just have infinite revives. Which would be true unless dead fame only happened once


the way I assumed it would work, you would have your fame reset once the character is revived

EDIT: another way it could work if on death you could choose to save your character before the death fame is calculated, so you wouldn’t get the death fame if you chose to save it


whoops… should have added an /s there


Gamma rn:

Yes, I do know your main is a yellow star, please, I’m trying to be funny :c


of course revived char fame starts at zero im sorry for not clarifying


@GammaGamer We need strong investments and bonifications in the Snake Oil market. Since last semester with dungeon reconstruction we’ve had a lot of immigrants coming to the realms and taking all the oil.

Make Oryx Great Again. #MOGA Party

Why does this feel like something Trump has said?


"I won this election, by a lot!"

Probably you


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