[Forum Game] Roast the person above you!


you are a meanie. you said a bad word.


Oh no! Someone call the FBI to save the widdle baby.
The deacons in my church are shaking their heads because of how petty that is. You’d get laughed out of kindergarden. The SJWs on my block are telling you to grow some balls. Even Nickelodeon, the censor champions, are like "Bitch please chill."




[I came here for a cesspit pit of a forum, and gosh darnn it I’m getting one.]

For the love of… YOU HAD ONE JOB! Kick the last post’s arse. Why is that so hard?

And that abomination of abbreviation “WTF.” Somehow it manages to botch its job as well: Briefly express a phrase. /W/ alone already has the same syllable count as the original phrase. A simple “Eh?” at least fulfils its purpose. Those three letters warrant a TL;DR.

TL;DR : Why Tolarate Faineance?


You are also a meanie. You roasted that kid.


Just like how I roasted some Prime ribs


Your name is missing a ‘t’ at the end.


Unoriginal roasts
Not unique


This is deadly boring. I’m spending 5 whole minutes on each of these posts to no avail. I could make stir-fry in that time!


Kid you need to spend 5 minutes on your weak roasts? I spend ~2 seconds on each of mine, and they’re much better

What even is this shit


You. You spend time on forums that could be spent doing real life sh*t.


You do that too.


Yeah but I unlike you am actually god at it.

None of this is serious :stuck_out_tongue: I hate no1


You claim to be good at forums but all you are good at doing is emojis.


Suddenly we turned into Cinemasins. Ding


Taking other guy’s cliché cliché.


What the heck is your profile pic


Is that a horrible, not well thought-out item I see in your profile pic?


Well duh, why did you ask? Is it because you can’t see?


Well, you asked me that question because you can’t even take obvious social queues.