[Forum Game] The Never Ending Story


@POTATOBAEz respawned wearing only a loin cloth in a completely new realm…


…he blinked rapidly when the blaring light hit his eyes…


So he put on his shades


Grabbed his sniper rifle and rainbow knife…


and said im going to take a nap and end this forum game, the end!


But then he woke up because the real went to oryx and he was getting dragged on by some super l33t trollers.


But suddenly SwatSecOne came outta nowhere and…


spawned many pirates on




So he died because


he was actually a potato that wanted to end this never ending story, so because of that, The End.


But he did not have the power to close off such a long lasting and powerful thread,
In his attempts to destroy it backfired and the power of the tread surged into him and promptly vaporized him.

And there was much rejoicing


soo uhhh, the end?


It was the end of the ender and so the end of this volume’s threat.

So what else to do then move on to book 2


Hey Colin~


and thus, the story continued with the whole premise of it being


About some imbecilic 7-year-old named Collin, who had a hobby of…


playing with the hand


of his nemesis…


while eating pie