[Forum Game] This or That?



I always saw being a vegan as a product of the bourgeoisie. seeing as so much choice goes into it. Picking what you will and wont eat is a privilege of sorts but i dont care how someone eats as they as dont care about how i eat

  • Reddit
  • Forum Abstinence

0 voters


depends on if reddit means r/rotmg or reddit entirely


You’re a criminal, what is your skill?

  • Can pick any lock
  • Can lie out of any situation
  • Can break into any facility
  • Can 1v100 and still win
  • Have floor plans of each building, knowing the position of each guard and camera
  • stfu stun gun

0 voters


I’m pretty sure magic-level lying is the strongest of these options.

Btw, polls like that are better suited to Just a whole lotta polls.
This or That is for polls with just 2 options, that one has more.

  • Clover Bow
  • Sword of the Rainbow’s End

0 voters


Clover bow for my sexi sexi archer.

  • Be teleported to the bottom of the mariana trench
  • Be teleported to the top of the atmosphere (just below space)

0 voters

^ either of these with no protection such as a submarine


You cant survive the trench, however it isent impossible to survive the other one. People have fallen out of planes and survived, yes its much higher but you can only pick up so much speed so at a certain point height does not matter


Fun fact:
When I was about 4 years old, I used to hide in the house and try to scare my dad when he came home
One day when I was doing this, I stepped on a toothpick and somehow it went through my big toe.

In a way, I did accomplish my goal of scaring him.

Where’s the “none of the above” option…

At a certain point oxygen does matter.
I’d rather get crushed instantly over asphyxiation.

  • Dab to 5 random people a day
  • Ask 5 people… “do you know da wae”?

0 voters


Id rather get impaled by a toothpick than kicking a door with a toothpick. Makes me cringe every time i think of it.


I’m scarred for life.


I’d think at those heights the pressure is so low the water in your eyes and the rest of your body would start boiling and your lungs would tear from the inside. No thanks, I’ll take the crushing death.


The only is daily, the other is a one-off. I’ll take the one-off.
If both were daily and to random ppl, I’d have chosen the other.


I’d rather take the one-time option.

  • Arming Sword (one handed sword)
  • Katana

0 voters


But at least your body might form a shooting star from dissipating into the atmosphere

  • Dinner with Kim Jong Un at your favorite restaurant
  • Dinner with Donald Trump at your favorite restaurant

0 voters


Dinner with Kim Jong Un means I could sbe eat with him, in a civilized manner.
If anyone needs someone to at least try to get a point through this tthread them it’s Kim Jong Un, I would probably despise his company, but maybe…
Just maybe…
I could convince him that what he is doing is wrong


I dont think he would be bad company

I would discuss the development of highways in his country and roads in general as its part of my job. Try to negotiate a contract with him. I sure we should have more common then people might think. we are both human after all. I wouldn’t expect him to change his views but i also don’t think he desires that his people die. Would just talk to him like I talk to anyone else if he wants to talk about something personal ill let him bring it up. Until then ill get to work on the highway project. Before I decided to help anyone fund some coup I would have to consider some things.

I would not want to just start handing guns out to people and say go at it, dont need a bloody conflict going on


No, you’re right, he doesn’t desire for his people to die, he desires for everyone else’s people to die…
Well actually everyone is a huge exaggeration
More like America and it’s allies…
He may or may not simply want to start WWIII


Eh I don’t really think so

Whether you like it or not, America is a bit of a bully, and we don’t want other countries to have nuclear weapons for obvious reasons but Kim probably thinks “why are they able to have 'em when I can’t?”

One can’t ignore the crimes he has committed against his people though