[Forum Game] This or That?


Let’s be real, do we really need two different ones? They’re essentially the same thread.


jokes on you i have no soul






smh where are the P   I   S   T   A   C   H   I   O   S


You’re a necromancer, that’s obvious.

  • fight a single killer whale, you get a .50 cal rifle with 3
  • fight 3 tiger sharks, first one, then the other two, you get an extremely sharp 30 cm knife

0 voters


  • something that makes you feel uncomfortable
  • something that makes you feel depressed

0 voters


Guns work very poorly underwater. I wouldn’t want to take on a full killer whale with it.


Yes. This thread has a specific this or that format where you can have relatively easy/simple decisions, having more than two options does change the dynamic of the thread.
Choices between two options are welcome in this thread, those with more fit better in Just a whole lotta polls.


I’m confident in my combat abilities but 3 tigers would kill 99% of humans to ever exist. With the whale it’s not indicated if you are underwater.

But if you are underwater you much safer them against a tiger. Killer whales can’t eat people they can drown people though. But if the fight was under water I’d assume you were in a diving suit with plenty of oxygen. Press the 50 Cal against their head and fire. Even underwater it will Rip into them and from there you can keep up the assault or wait for it to die

Really this thread has become both


It shouldn’t have.

By the official definition, polls with more than two options are


If you post two polls with 3 options then you fulfill the description :wink:



really though i’m surprised at how evenly that poll was split


I maintain my point, tiger sharks would tear you to shreds like a real tiger if they wanted to, well a killer whale is not really a threat since it cant eat you all it can do is attempt to drown you by pushing you deeper underwater


to be fair, killer whales in question are not only extremely durable, but are also very fast, even in comparison to sharks. they’ve been known to hunt great whites (great whites have also been known to flee from killer whales) and travel in excess of 65km/h. the sheer shock of getting smacked by it could probably kill you.


Grab onto the fin and it will become disoriented then proceed to swim around in circles at a what would be a rather slow speed to what it could do.

the killer whale is one of the least dangerous marine animals where as the tiger shark is likely to kill you in one bite let alone 3 of them


but it’s massive :confused:
i sure as hell couldn’t swim that fast
ofc, there is the case that wild killer whales simply aren’t aggressive towards humans (1 true recorded attack and that was probably curiousity), but assuming that it is aggressive and that you are engaged in combat i would much rather take on the sharks with a knife since they have a tonic spot right above their nose which induces tonic immobility upon applying pressure. a knife also offers better mobility, and sharks are unable to change their attack patterns, unlike whales which are incredibly intelligent.

of course, i deliberately weighted it so that you’d be forced into a harder decision to choose between the missile or the swat team.

  • pet falcon
  • pet wolf
  • smol pet bunny
  • pet raven/crow

0 voters


Its really about their hunting style, a shark is a very aggressive animal who does think before attacking and proceeds to tear its prey to shreds. Its teeth are meant for that. In a fight with a killer whale you wouldn’t worry about its teeth since they have not ever shown to use them on humans.

Its like 1 bear vs 3 wolfs. much rather take on the bear it may be larger and stronger but its still 1v1 . With 2 sharks fighting you its pretty much game over. They are like wolfs in the way they will in circle prey to take it down. They also lung when they get close to you, at first going with a slow speed then a burst of speed and they are already there.

also the 30cm knife may just get in your, I would of picked something half that size


My cousin has a pet husky which is basically a wolf and it’s really cool, so I’ll choose that.

  • A meaningful life full of joy, surprises, and love.
  • Playing RotMG.

0 voters


but they don’t specify that YOU have to be underwater
if you are in the water you’re boned anyways, knife or gun. (have you ever tried to stab someone underwater? it doesn’t work very well)

but if you’re on land and the whale is coming at you, you can try to shoot it.

fun fact, most killer whales live near the poles (not the poland poles, the cold-penguin poles).

if you’re in the water, you’re fucked either way


how would you know?

I’m scared




I’d bet they sell bangsticks in 50 cal, and there are some specialized firearms which can shoot decently far underwater.

But yeah, swinging any melee weapon underwater at a 15 foot long shark is suicide, let alone three, it’s even hard to swing a fist fast underwater