[Forum Game] Would you Rather


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Ability to reverse time once per month, for a maximum of 48 hours OR ability to foresee the next min once per day?


reverse time
if i die in realm i can go back
what r the chances of forseeing the one minute i die


forgetting something?

Would you rather only eat ketchup or mustard?


Ketchup, because I already eat tomatoes raw as it is

Live in a country with a Slavic King or with a Slavic Dictator?


uhhhhhh no idea. flips coin Slavic dictator.
Would you rather be a real nazi or a grammer nazi?
yes, I know I misspelled ā€œgrammarā€



Would you rather live on Mars alone for 20 years or play RotMG alone for 20 years?


I would rather live on Mars for 20 years. Recently watched the Martian.

Would you rather be the star player on a losing basketball team or ride the bench on a winning one?


I donā€™t really care lel

flips coin Star player

Would you rather die by drowning or die by dehydration



Would you rather make love to a crusty hobo or betty white?


Betty White. Iā€™d make love when she was younger since you didnā€™t say that it was current age Betty White.

Would you rather hang yourself in front of your parents and everyone else who loves you or drown to death?


drown to death
brown bags vs white bags


White bagsā€¦ too ez

Would you rather live in Antarctica with only a tee shirt or live in the desert with 5 sweaters that you canā€™t take off?


In Antarctica, you didnā€™t say anything against lots and lots of blankets.

Would you rather freeze or die of heat stroke (or other heat related things, like burning to death)


I believe freezing would be less painful, if it is instant.

Get a top character set (lesser UTs and/or tops) or get one of each event white.


Top char set.
Fre itenz or lucky af?


Lucky please. Please.

Get TONS of loot but all loot is soulbound or permanent loot potions effect?


Perma loot buff.
Tank or range?


Tank if I can tank I donā€™t need range.

You eat a spoon full of salt or a spoon full of cinimmon?


Spoon full of salt.
Would you rather marry your worst enemy or kill everyone you have a crush on?


neither one exists, so probably the second.

Make inappropiate posts or make spam posts?