[Forum Game] Would you Rather



would you rather get 5 billion dollars or instantly die and be forgotten



would you rather have a really kinky gf or have a really horny one


Im not lesbian so uhhhhhh
Kinky i guess

would you rather die by fire or by falling into bottomless pit


Both lol jk. Kinky

Bottomless pits all the way

I ruin games lol.
Would you rather lose your 8/8 Oreo T14 sword (i forgot name) Dominion Armor Bracer Pally, or your 8/8 Jugg A.S.S CC Lodestone Warrior?
This should be easy
And this is assuming you have both. (I wish I did but Iā€™m poor as fk)


ur supposed to make would you rather question now k


Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of anyone else.


Whats your answer then?


Anyone elses

Pay 1200 bucks or a kid in africa dies?


1200 of my countryā€™s currency?


No, euros or dollars.


I think 1200 euros could be better spent to help more people rather then 1 individual i know nothing about, I would say no.


But I probs wonā€™t have a choice if I get either
Cuz Warrior is trash when I use it cuz I suck
Would you rather die by urgle or die by trap element lol


Trap Element. KarlF once died on a Warrior due to a Trap Element, so at least people will understandā€¦

Would you rather:

  • Become one with the Void Entity, therefore gaining enormous power at the cost ofā€¦well, everything humane about yourself, plus all your belongings and emotions, etcā€¦
  • Get a soulbound Dirk of Cronus with 0 feed power as your starting dagger for every dagger class you make?


Wellā€¦ dirk.

A - Get to announce 1 message to the entire world and everyome will hear it

B - Have the ability to make everyone forget you exist for a small period of time


A. At least, then Iā€™ll be able to yell hi at everybody
Oh shit I forgot to ask the next question again @Kirkoma lol
Skuld ST set or Mystic ST set (Phylactery)



Would you rather buff Hermit or buff Dirk


Would your rather have all possible Nest drops or all possible LH drops


All the possible lh drops

1 person you know dies or 50 million people you donā€™t know die


Hmm I usually am a person of risk but so many good people I donā€™t know. Iā€™ll be the greedy asshole and say 50 Mil randomā€¦

Would you rather play a Trix thatā€™s insta 8/8 and has your dream gear on it, or a Knight thatā€™s 2/8 and old tops.


2/8 knight