Forum Suggestion: Make the reply bubbles appear all the time


There is a thread where Jeff Atwood talks about it here.

This is now a site setting, so if you want reply indicator to show up in all cases, flip it on for your Discourse instance. Problem solved.

That’s a quote from Jeff above, I dunno how to quote it from the page.

Edit: Shatter beat me to posting this quote :frowning: Shatter is mean


You say that like I should know about it! I feel like you’ve been searching for this since I posted haha


This is now a site setting, so if you want reply indicator to show up in
all cases, flip it on for your Discourse instance. Problem solved.

I don’t think it would be too noisy on our forum


See? The same problem happened here; I was replying to @Doc but you thought I was replying to you in a sassy manner.

And no, I just searched it when I remembered Docs post, that there was a discussion somewhere already.


Thought it was a reply to me cause I got a notif :stuck_out_tongue: but that’s cause i’m post creator haha. So much confusion


I wondered already about that, kinda confusing


Yeah, I don’t agree with the Discourse guys at all on the default setting for this item.

@mreyeball, could you flip this setting so that using the Reply button on the last post actually replies to that post and not the OP. Without this setting it behaves just the same as the blue Reply button at the bottom does. Thanks!




I made a change in the forums today :smiley: I feel proud!

Forum Changelog




Thank you kind sailor!


Add it to the forum change log?




Possibly maybe.


Great this happened. I’m just gonna cry over the fact that I suggested it earlier, but got ignored :cry:


:frowning: I searched for it before I posted to make sure it wasn’t suggested. Nothing came up.

want a hug?


I’d rather take fre itenz plx, if that’s not too much to ask :wink:


Yeah Shatter, how ‘bout one of those hundreds of backpacks ya’ got. :wink:


Untradable, too bad so sad

U crazy BBB @CaseCaseCa


Think of the children, the hungry children…


Ummm…yeah. This has been added.


