Friday News: Public Testing fte Item Forge


BP's may as well be boss specific if the items require marks


Except it’s still not up :confused:


Quick man Wotan


I don’t really like the idea of blueprints or more requirements to craft items… it kinda seems like the thing I was looking forward too the most I’m hardly going to be able to use, bc I’m only interested in crafting good items


Hopefully you don’t need any fame to craft stuff cause I have no fame and I’m not looking forwards to suiciding my huntress.


Please add a search to the crafting window, same as vault

both craft and dismantle sides


Yo Deca! Open up Testing or riot!


Then just get blueprints, I’m sorry that O3 whites and event whites aren’t immediately craftable because that would be stupid, but I doubt it would take long to get a couple good blueprints


Not necessarily o3 whites, but I was looking forward to getting some lh whites crafted and I can’t do them, so I probably won’t get those blue prints. Hopefully the bps are common drops at least tho.




Nice, I just sadly threw most of mine away.
Btw for everyone, testing is updating and launching now. (actually it will launch, just not load in- at least for me.)
Edit: nice Christmas music for the nexus too.


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where ogmur




Invisible for 4.5 seconds with a 0.6 second cooldown. Assuming I read that right, that’s broken.

Edit: I understand now


There are two cooldowns listed, and the 0.6s cooldown is likely on the Shadow Burst shots. 5.5s cooldown on the cloak.


Our bad, I’ll change the proc’s cooldown title to be less confusing in regards to that.


Seems the cooldown is 5.5, 0.6 is the interval between the shots, from giving it a try.


It’s live.


Gland looks alright. It would be really nice to see some form of biome blend in the future rather than block changes in biomes.