Game Code fails


whats something wierd or hilarious that happened in game that was linked to game code (funny set piece spawns etc.)?

i went to Ava I passed the last halls set piece. Then I noticed the arrow was pointing at the lost Sentry setpiece. I watched spooki boi make a round and then quickly ran in. The freaking avatar spawn right in the center of the Lost Sentry set piece. So you then had to fight a Lost Sentry, A FREAKING AVATAR AND GOSH DANG SPOOKI BOI (lets just say the realm didn’t close for a bit and many deaths).


@moderators if it’s worth your time, merge this with that old thread that was made a while back.


I saw a ava inside a halls with nest right next to it

and a para chamber at the entrance of the halls

beat that


It’s not a game code fail though, events have certain tiles they can spawn on in a realm and so sometimes two events spawn on top of each other. It would’ve been patched if it wasn’t an intentional thing.

It’s not a bug it’s a feature :smiley:



wait wat


I couldn’t move either.


I won’t merge because this thread is wider in scope if it’s for any code fails, but if anyone does want to talk about double-/multi-stacked events I would encourage you use the same tile event spawn thread:


You must have really displeased the admin if they bumped you down to level -1.


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