Game down for maintenance (Oct 15)


It’s going back?


Just got off work ,and was really looking forward to playing…
I agree with @Bluenoser .


Luckily, I don’t work weekends, but I woke up early for this? Bleh.


I really looked forward to playing right after I got off from work…


wow rip i thought this would of been resolved already but guess not, ill go play random things then


Hey @Nut! long time no see mate, hope ya been well. :+1:
Good to see that they’re on top of things. :]




It’s been more than 6 hours I guess, does ANYONE know when will it become on again?
I’m so bored…This is not enough dose of rotmg for me <.<
Also, what will happen if deca rollbacks the game? I died with my knight today then i made archer and maxed life mana and def from my vault, but my items didn’t dissapear as I know. QIf they rollback will they dissapear if i had them before? I’m soo confused…


Here we go again, another dupe glitch. Kudos to Deca for catching it quickly, as opposed to previous occasions, where they lingered under the radar for months.

I do hope there’s a rollback. I would hate to see the economy fucked over yet again. Plus I lost my archer, and if he was revived that’d be great :stuck_out_tongue:


The bug started around 2 days after the update, not enough time for people to dupe thaat much (considering that the glitch was completely unstable and only a few people managed to learn the dirty tricks). No economy fuck up here.


Best thing Deca does that Kabam doesn’t: take the game offline. I wish Kabam would have done this instead of leave it up for duplication for days on end while they worked on a fix.


Oh god yes. So many players left after the major duping, since they felt like the game was pointless now. Kudos to Deca for pulling the plug while they work on a fix.


Alright, it says that the server is down, it has been for a while now.
Just finished my PSAT and was looking forward to playing realm, but I guess not now :confused:
But anyways, I haven’t seen much people talking about this… so…


Lex! I haven’t seen you in forever <3



8 hour since its been offline anniversary!


Give us UUID or fuck right off.


At least we have this forum to keep us occupied :stuck_out_tongue:


That might take a bit longer than a few hours…

Kabam had looked into this thoroughly in the past. Here’s a public statement from SGT_Sunshine where he clearly explains that it’s not going to happen. I highly doubt Deca would take a different position.

And here’s my old post that got quoted often looking at the financial side of this. It’s dated a few month’s before SGT_Sunshine’s, which I like to interpret as vindication my statement was right.

Here’s one more where I went in depth on my educated guess at the technical side of implementing UUIDs.


Game’s back up btw.


Hey Zonthan! <3 I’ve been on, usually in EUN2 or wherever the mates are playing.