Getting White Star (again)


My first bard died, because I was eating chicken nuggets and wasn’t paying attention lmfao. Noob down? Good parse. Fuck me.

Another bard… I won’t die again. I never die.


No picture, but I want to say that bard has the most fucking dry gameplay in the world. I fucking despise playing this garbage that is a class. There is absolutely nothing good about bard. Extremely worthless and weak when unmaxed, and impossible to get loot when there is more than 4 people in a dungeon. Bards are truly the lowest lifeforms in every single videogame i have ever played.


1/8 att

2/8 vit and also FUCK


3/8 dex

huh, nice bp!

44 stars now

4/8 spd

5/8 wis

FINALLY A BOW UPGRADE. I can also join Pest Control raids because I meet the reqs!

6/8 def

Could’ve been a pungi… bad luck

star mommy

Stacked bag (screenshotted over)

trash white lol

oh my god you have to be kidding me

Weight off my shoulders. Can join raids now.

Screenshot scuffed because it was a screenshot of a recording. Too lazy to upload the video somewhere, but if u think i took the bow from my vault, my only other leaf bow is on my wizard.

I did not pick it up.

7/8 life. 6 people went in, 3 made it to boss, and one left the dungeon.

Deca scammed me

Goodluck on your journey to get a white star, once again!


Bard Update:

I am unable to get a bow drop. I’m not even joking. I’ve been using this golden bow since before i was 1/8 and now my bard is 2 def to 6/8. As expected of bard, I am not having any fun, and my typical bard gameplay consists of me groaning at my lack of a usable bow, and yelling out loud to myself when some idiot counter-rushes or when i get a pb/0. Oh the bright side, once I’m done with 15K BF on this class, I will never ever have to touch this piece of shit ever again.

It also doesn’t help that my ISP is complete utter dogshit and my wifi cuts out randomly.

edit: Got bow, wifi still ass :((


Bard update 2:

My luck in this ppe is so horrendously bad, I am severely demotivated to play. Thinking of just grabbing a set from vault and just doing halls w/ null or whatever discord.

My one snake pit white: a bulwark. When I actually needed a pungi for the first time in my life, a bulwark dropped.

I’m a rusher. I rush the dungeons. And I expect that the game pays me back. Nope, the stupid leeches get begonia and i get another stupid speed sprout. Fun.

Over 12 O2’s done and did not get a single T6 lute or covert (when i still needed covert). Garbage.

My other whites and orange bags are either extremely irrelevant or for the wrong class.

My luck is so bad that i’m running snake pits, spider dens, and other stuff that drops 15 silver UT items, so i can forge 4 for a 5gold UT and go from there.

Oh yeah, and my internet is still as bad as ever! Fuck you spectrum! Never had a problem with time warner cable and that was over a decade ago!


Final stretch. I’m usually pretty hesitant when I suicide my characters, but I think I’ll die to a fucking hobbit mage. I hate bard.


8/8 mana
RL nexused or died or something. Somebody took over. Did well.


5k left


lmao white while RL was telling about his experience getting molested by a girl

My bard really looks out of place.

also im about to beat Mizumi in fame LMAO and I beat XYemmy SO EASY


gotta love gemscock. Oryx tp’d on me and thanks to my bard’s slow ass I almost died. But if you see me in raids you know i always say I never die.


Hey, you stuck with me this morning for the 1-mystic, 2-pot, 3-death, full-skip void after the RL nexused, so you can probably survive most things lol. That was way more sketchy than any OSanc run I have seen.


LOL I think I was on my trickster for that one. Was super fucking pissed because the other trickster didn’t do shit during anything and I’m still not entirely comfortable to be constantly decoying during MBC and I can’t really decoy well when there’s a bunch of bullets where I’m trying to walk.

Might’ve been a new player and went too hard on him, but he reacted to brain. I fully expect all trickster players to do their part, as I am one myself.

I’m just glad that was done and dusted… super scuffed run and I almost died (I forgot where).


Since I got the ST harp bow thing, I can now make a pungi. Should make Concertina, but I’m gonna kill off this bard soon:tm: : )


2000 more fame. Need to think about what class to play next.



My bard died at 15k


I’m gonna play assassin next. Another dry class that is Dogshit. Get it out of the way first.

and i’m ready to play the game now

The legend begins

lv 20


I also got a leaf bow from a wlab but i forgot to ss it.


I’m already enjoying assassin 10x more than bard.



Holy shit.

1/8 Vit

2/8 Spd


3/8 att

4/8 dex






5/8 wis


I do not like using Etherite.