Giveaway of some type [Closed]


So…I’m guessing this giveaway be ded


imagine giving away 50 decas


Sorry for not making it clear that I was giving it away to 50 individuals rather than to 1 individual all at once!
I will be online from 9-10 PM PST 5/4, 6-10 PM PST 5/5, at USWest Keys. If not everything is claimed by 5/5, I will have a makeup claiming session in the following week TBD. Thanks for participating in my giveaway and congratulations to the winners.
Took awhile but anyways,
1 @Banderhobb
2 @Zeodeath
3 @NObster
4 @Jermster
5 @Ytgha
6 @Basketboyy -> claimed
7 @Zobiebuttz
8 @Demonseye
9 @Triforcej
10 @OkamiRen -> claimed


11 @OtherBill
13 @PiterGPL
14 @Ancienther
15 @Sheiki
16 @Xandrack -> claimed
17 @TheProBro
18 @Pixelskull -> claimed
19 @Barnette
20 @Gotgot -> claimed


21 @Wink -> claimed
22 @Shadowfax -> claimed
23 @BiIgewater -> claimed
24 @XRyuzaki -> claimed
25 @XHippobroX -> claimed
26 @Fdghrdzxfd
28 @Leohe -> claimed
29 @Wilhuff -> claimed
30 @RareMeat


31 @Guppie
32 @Backpedal
33 @FierceHunt
34 @DeDeicider
35 @GiftZilla
36 @IxGottxI
37 @JtV
38 @Fluffegan
39 @Senpai -> claimed
40 @WindowsHDD -> claimed


41 @Alysian
42 @DivineOryx -> claimed
43 @Supuhchick -> claimed
44 @Earlyn -> claimed
45 @Waffle
46 @Sadfahlsdj
47 @CipaFTW
48 @KingScorch
49 @Fincy
50 @RogueChaos


Reminder to the winners I will be on at 9 PM PST today, which is a good time to claim your prizes.


Thank you kindly and see you in about 5 hours!


crashing LHZ and SBC


ayeee I won! I’ll be on at arround 12 EST. :slight_smile:


cool I won a thing, tyvm for hosting did not expect to win


Noice… I miss clearing dungeons… To make things spicy, I play unmaxed, and with funny sets. (like jungle necro) and since my 6/8 priest and pally died i’ve had a blast. Feels great to be n00b.


Frick I missed it lol






Thanks for the deca <3


Thanks for the ST spell


I’m getting off for the night, will be back on tomorrow.


Thank you for deca :heart: