Giveaway on new youtube channel. (I know it's bad :( )


Pls give me some advice on how to make better videos. I know that this video sucks but I’m not sure how to make it better. Note: this is my first time using OBS and Windows Movie Maker


You should try to get a mike!


If you want to avoid black bars, record in View- full screen with 100% not checked. It will stretch your view a bit but atleast you dont have black bars. Or an alternative is to put an overlay over areas woth black bars with just basic stuff like your channel name, ign basically anything you want.

It’s cool of you to do a giveaway, they arent really good for channel growth though.

Gl on your future vids!


You know whats really good/entertaining to watch? PPE’s. I know theres a lot of them on YouTube but its very nice to just watch a PPE of a class your playing/want to play, and drawing in a lot of people. It is a fairly simple concept, just the hardest part is
1)Making it to a certain “checkpoint”. If you don’t get a 6/8 or 8/8 by the end of the video and you die at 3/8 or something, people wont come back to watch more. and,
2)Editing. This will probably be the most tedious task since you have to be recording 24/7 when you play on that class and you have to snip out the parts where you got pots/tops/UT’s.

Anyways, good luck and ill subscroob to youre channel c:


@Proasdfase Yeah. I’m thinking about just centering the video so that both sides of it has black bars but if it’s even, it shouldn’t look bad.

@Otsuku Plan on doing that. Not sure what else I can do until I get a working mic


You Should try playin in Flash, Makes the vid quality better, Could change your cursor, and do some editing, to cut out only the best parts of such, so some youtubers would record hours only to upload 10-20 min worth of gameplay, I’d like the Wizard set… THatd be niiiice. Thnx


I already gave it away. It’s in the comments


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