Good or bad day in rotmg


Today I got a Omni ring but then later died on my pally with bracer and marble seal. Should I be happy about this day or sad?


1 vote to Happy


another vote to happy

with a slight touch of salty


I died on my 6/8 warrior in woodlab after the boss died but I got a leaf bow before I died.


Sad, bracer is a good ring, often times better than omni


Suicide omni, it’s over.


You should be sad. Rip your paden and a bracer OOF



Win some lose some


Happy with that small feeling of dread all day that when you open RotMG your pally won’t be there…


Happy but sadistic to everyone - use Paden’s death as an excuse.
I’m just cruel 'cause I’m a horrible person.


Bad, omni is dumm


Omni is the best general use ring and has zero class specialization


Happy, as being sad is pointless.

In-game, you can just be a nihilist, as any time spent playing the game is “wasted” anyways.
IRL, the only actually valuable things you can get back from playing RotMG are friends and memories with friends.

Whether you lose some characters or not doesn’t matter at all in the big picture, just make sure you have fun playing the game.
If you don’t have fun, don’t play the game or make some friends.


Incredibly sad.

Omni is bad


Sad but with some hope/reassurance


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