Goodbye giveaway ;w; [Closed]


Hey so an experience i had was for a time me and my friends were getting kinda bored and kept dying so we decided to start some PPEs together. They were SOOOOO fun even though we weren’t that good, but we didn’t waste any of our precious loot from our vaults so death only made us waste time and not any items. I also learned a lot about classes that i never used before and i got a 5/8 warrior with bracer from it so i guess it was worth it. Thanks for if you give me something and this thread got me interested to play realm again because of all the memories. Who knows, maybe ill get my friends Slickvenom and Killermath to do PPE’s with me again




just cause u do something immoral doesnt mean ur pure evil
everyone is too extremist these days


Hi, I do know you from a old guild back in regen. A good moment was you getting literally every single white bag while I got 0s.


Lmao this game still exist? Welcome to the quit side Glawi glad to have you join us.


Commenting on the giveaway, the thread gathered people’s attention for sure.

As for my experience with Glawi, thank you for being the only person to hop on discord in optimistic hope of starting a ptrain back a few months ago. Shortly after, you became part of a powerful ptrain, that I was lucky enough to ride in a few days. I’m sad to see you leave the game, because you’re really awesome at fame training – and I always thought that was cool.


What about MEETING ME??


Didn’t know you that well, but I always wanted to beat you in terms of UBHPS, guess that will never happen now :C.


When I first played the game in 2011, I made a pretty good friend and we interestingly played hide and seek in outside borders of nexus. I remember being a noob, getting excited through simple things and getting very frustrated at deaths, but always remembering the friends in my guild. I saw a lot of people come and go and eventually I left the guild too. I felt a warm friendship with a lot the friends I made online, and it’s just heartwarming to reminisce at the times, even though many of them probably forgot me. It’s also funny to think that I was 10 yrs old (16 now) when I started the game and to look back and watch how much Realm has been apart of my life.


A sad day when you decided to leave us! Now that you finally managed to get that ice crown you, it seems that it was all for naught & not even that can keep you here. :frowning:

I don’t know what happened exactly, I feel like it was just yesterday that everything was still fine and dandy & you got back together in that duo guild of yours. I will remember our Shatters adventures for a long time to come. I’m really sad to see you go but wish you all the best in your other adventures!

Good luck Glawi! <3


Hi! it’s very sad that you have to leave. But who knows, maybe years from now, you’ll decide to open the website again and find out it’s still alive and well!

I also left for about 5 years (i left at the time pets were added to the game) and i just came back playing late december of 2017

i’ve had my share of bad times(deaths) and good times in this game. Recently, i was in a public Cland. It was on AsiaEast at late midnight so it wasn’t crowded, in fact, we were just 5 with then the three left leaving just me and the other person. We spent a good time there both chatting and just killing the bosses. And what’s better was that we both got the loot (he got candy armor and it was my first pixie). great day, not only did i make a friend, i also had my first pixie :smiley:


My best experience was giving items to noobs then them coming back as white stars
and thanking me with life


Had some great times on this game, I remember the first time I got a white bag was in a UDL almost 5 years ago, I was so excited I was screaming in skype chat… then I found out I got an inc and have never felt so scammed. Got my real Dbow soon after (most excited I’ve almost ever been on here), but still one of the most memorable things to happen in this game. most of my old friends are off it now but still fun


I remember the first time I ever got a pot. Some nice player gave me a speed pot and when I put my cursor over it, I remember freaking out and telling my friends that we could get infinite speed in this game. At the time I didn’t know about maxing stats or the fact that pots were common, but it was definitely the best moment of rotmg and what got me so hooked onto the game. Sad to see you leave even if I didn’t know you.


I’ve never met you but my fondest memory is getting an Ogmur and being so proud of it :slight_smile:


A good memory I had with this is game is when my friend and I first started playing. It was interesting to watch the game and everyone in it grow. It also helped me make some new friends which I enjoy. Sucks to see a good person like you leave.


one good experience i had was when i paused in god lands to make a sandwich and my friend dragged a huge god wall over me :slight_smile:


I was farming for a dbow. I was seaching glands for a udl, when I found a parasite. I solo the entire parasite on my archer, and finally finish the boss, and bam, white bag. I’ve been doing parasites with my guild, farming for those whites, but the one I wanted most of all was the scepter. And inside that white bag was the scepter. I was so happy.

Oh, and five minutes later I got an esben skull, so that’s pretty cool I guess.


My best experience was probably when I gave some new player old-tops and it turned out to be a good friend from school.


Had a great time when I was first playing when someone took the time to explain to me a few pointers ab god lands and leveling and maxing players and such and I had a great time with him leveling up my first character to now almost unlocking all the classes and such after about a year long break of playing came back joined his guild and now we play all the time, its a great experience and I try and keep the cycle going.