Green 3rd boss spawning 2 waves early


This is a very bad screenshot because I had to rush to take it before I nexused.
As you can see there is a quest marker for the sharky boi.
However, the jellyfish attacks are visible on my screen and there are multiple red dots on the minimap.
Additionally, you can see @Maxicore saying “wut,” indicating that something is wrong (dare I say fishy?)
Again, bad ss but you can kind of see whats going on

MotMG 2019 Discussion Megathread

Not sure what’s causing it but I heard of this happening a couple other times and I had two waves spawn at once before in a Katalund


I think I know what’s happening, though it may require some explanation. every wormhole uses the same spawn setup, with 4 families of enemies. like so:

the first family has 3 stages, the first two stages appear in parts 1 and 2 while the third stage only appears in part 3. the second family has 2 stages, the first stage appears in parts 1 and 2 while the second stage only appears in part 2. neither stage appears in part 3 because they become replaced with a neo alien (in malogia’s case, it’s the neo znorgian). the third family only has one stage, because their neo counterpart is the boss of part 1. in parts 2 and 3 you never see the stage one alien again, it’s replaced with the neo version (in malogia’s case this is the neo ptorgian). the final family only has 2 stages, doesn’t have a neo version, and doesn’t appear at all in part 1. the first stage of this final family starts appearing in part 2 and the second stage only appears in part 3. (for malogia, this final family is the phorgian/phorgling).

earlier in the event, someone found a bug in malogia that would let the next wave spawn while something from the previous wave was still alive. the phorigian (4th family second stage) was accidentally not required to trigger the next phase. I’m mostly sure this was already fixed. however, given the copy+paste nature of the wormholes, it’s more than possible for this bug to exist in the other 3 wormholes as well. so if we look at the same family and same stage across the 4 wormholes, these are the ones we’re looking at:

image image image image

Phorgian (already identified and fixed), Plex, Platinum Stinger, and Jelleye. I’m 96% sure the Platinum Stinger isn’t affected by this because it’s already a bit of a special case, the other 3 spawn with 2 of their lower-stage family members next to them. Platinum Stingers spawn alone. plus, I’m pretty sure we’d have noticed already since people tend to avoid them in groups since they’re a big pain and are often left for last. Plex and Jelleye on the other hand could still have this bug copy+pasted in, and the ss shows that it’s a jelly of some kind that’s still alive which supports this. the reason we wouldn’t have caught this before is because of how these two aliens behave: Plex’s movement is identical to Plexlings, which means they’re all killed at roughly the same time no matter how you go about it, and Jelleyes spit out far more projectiles than the Baby Jelleyes which makes them a priority target to begin with.

that’s what I’m pretty sure is happening anyway.


Lmao that was me. In that case, one phorgian was remaining at the end of the phase, and the next phase began.
In this case, one phase ended, and another began. (I believe it was one with 2 Neo hungers, 1 jelleye, and 1 Neo Larveye. Its not shown very well in the picture I took). At the very beginning of this phase, when the 4 enemies spawned on the sides, the Acidus also spawned in the center.


Turns out this isn’t actually the problem nvm

Could be server lag, it wouldn’t need to last very long to cause problems if it happened at exactly the right (wrong?) time.


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