Guild Allies/Rivals


This is a pretty basic but big idea that can help a lot for some or just be fun for others.

Guild Allies:
If the Founder of both guilds agrees, two guilds may become allies. What this means is that these allies will appear blue on the mini-map as opposed to green, marking those allies.

  • Have a good time! Visit the allied Guild’s Guild Hall to participate in dungeons if permitted, or visit a special lounge for allied guilds if you have more than 2 shared allies between both guilds.
  • Communicate more! Talk to each other with Allied Chat. (/a)
  • Share your glory! If an ally gets a kill, everyone nearby that is in their guild or an ally will gain 5% more Fame.
  • Spread some joy! Allies can gift each other items outside of soulbound items, Oryx Tops and STs.

Guild Rivals:
If the Founder of both guilds agrees, two guilds may become rivals. What this means is that these rivals will appear a bright purple on the mini-map as opposed to green, marking those rivals.

  • Compete for Fame to see who is at the top! Whoever has the highest total fame throughout the Guild at the end of each week will be gifted 1 Mystery Potion per player.
  • Fight for glory! Lose 5% of Fame if a rival takes a kill you are nearby, and gain 10% of Fame if you take a kill from a rival.
  • Complete dungeons for power! A random dungeon will be assigned each week, and that dungeon must be completed as much as possible to win. The guild with the most between all guild members will receive 1 Mystery Potion per player.

Bonus Fame from Ally and Rival guilds do NOT stack. You either get 5% or 10%.

Both Rival and Ally can be disabled at any time if both Founders request it. These are small little bonuses to the guild that could make it more fun to be in one in the end while not completely changing the game.


I see where you got inspiration from…


Sorta. I always thought an idea like this would be cool, but you posting your thing made me think “hey, lemme post this rq”.


I always have a ton of idea but lazy to write it down any where


This could possibly breathe new life into Realm


Seems actually realllly cool. Could be exploitable though, I’m sure some loopholes need to be patched.

What’s so special about the gifts? How does it work? Elaborate.

TL;DR: Really cool, would like to see but some chinks need to be smoothed over.


I’m not against this, but maybe make the Mystery pot:Player ratio 1:5 or 1:10. this is just because there would be a lot of guilds with 50 players who if they win getting 50 free mystery pots. Not really a big issue, but it just struck me as weird.


@PIGGIESFAR The gift system basically is just a way to send some decent items (at most) and potions to other players’ gift chests. If there’s any worry about a loophole here, then it could be up to one item per day or 5 per week.

@IAmSasha The Mystery Potions will be given directly to the player, and only one per player. Guilds with 50 players will get 50 potions, but each player will only receive one.


Ohhh I get it now. Yeah that makes sense nevermind.


oh, just things like that
the problem is it could be exploited as infinite vault space by mules of other guilds :thonk:


There’s still things that should be tweaked about it, of course. It’s not a “I SPENT SEVEN DAYS ON THIS IDEA” idea.


yea i know
just wanted to mention so just in case u decided to post it you could mention possible loopholes :slight_smile:
no harm done i hope


Potential problem is /a won’t work if you’re allied with multiple guilds. Unless ofc you intended it for 1 guild only to be allied. Anything else I would have said about this idea has already been said though :stuck_out_tongue:


The bonus wouldn’t stack. It would either be you get 5% more, or you don’t.


I think you replied to the wrong dude there.


Not at all. I just thought that was your concern so I addressed that.

If it isn’t, then I suppose maybe 3 as a max would be good.


But think about it, if i was in guild A allied with guilds B and C, but guild B wasn’t allied with guild C, then if i used /a would messages be sent to both guilds? That would create lotsa confusion. Just one example. That’s my issue with the idea.


It’s possible that if multiple allies were gotten, then possibly all guilds would have to say yes to it. It would be a little long to get the yes from them all, but it would still work out fine.


If that’s how you want it, then that works just fine.


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