Guild Communal Chest


Many players, especially newer players, will ask their guild for sub-optimal items that they can use to get back on their feet after a death. Rather than asking in guild chat and being at the mercy of whichever guildie happens to 1) be on at the time, 2) have the items in question, and 3) be willing to give them away, I propose a communal chest system for guilds.

The system would revolve around a guild chest that can be accessed across servers by guildies at the same time. Guild members would be able to add items into the chest so that other guild members could access the items. This way, players would have access to gear should they die or should they need a boost, and guild members would be able to put items up for donation on their own time. This chest could also be used for the tinkerer items to store multiple common tinkerer items so that other guild mates can get them as they need them.

I foresee multiple potential issues with this idea, and will address them as follows:

  1. In order to limit people just using this as extra vault space on mules and the like, the chest may be designed to require a level 2 guild in order to actually use the chest. Furthermore, the starting guild chest could be rather small, maybe 16 spaces, with additional guildhall upgrades upgrading the number of guild chests available.

  2. In order to limit access, the chest may be able to be controlled by guild officials or just the founder in order to limit who can access the chest based on their guild rank.

  3. In order to limit server/duping conflicts, it may be set so that only one person can access the chest at the time.

  4. In order to prevent greed, there may be some form of withdrawal/deposit limit such as 8 deposits and 4 withdrawals per person per day.

  5. To further prevent greed, there may be some form of updating list that can be accessed in game that lists each of the past say 100 transactions (deposits, withdrawals) with the time, ign of the player, and item that was transacted such that there is some form of history to see if someone is just taking out everything every day as soon as it gets deposited for their own personal gain.

  6. To maintain the quality of the gear, there may be some tier limit that can be adjusted by guild officials for the items deposited or specific item bans so that guild members cannot simply add in multiple T0 or worthless items for the purpose of trolling.

EDIT 1: As many of you have informed me of the unoriginality of the idea itself, I would like to thank you for your input; However, it seems that the idea itself may not be completely impossible if certain parameters can be put in place so as to limit abuse. As such, I would like special emphasis to be placed on the various stipulations/security measures that I have addressed above. In particular, I would like to shift the focus of the discussion to potential ways to make this idea viable and prevent said abuse.

The Major Waste of Guild Fame
Rkigoo's Ideas
Guild Chest and Mail
Chest for guild
New Guild Hall Shared Vault
Guild Chests

oh ive heard of this idea muliple items here, let me find it!


there’s not really any hope for something like this, it’s a flawed concept as a whole


This would be an awesome addition. I would be willing to buy them with gold if really needed.


btw: for those who didnt know, the list is all comprised of ideas that can’t be implemented, but also ideas that have been tossed around too much, getting no where with discussion or a non-usefull/profitable idea.


I need to edit that list to put the disclaimer at top. This iteration seems well enough developed to discuss it on it’s merits rather than dismiss it offhand.


perhaps I should elaborate a little
this is well thought-out, I will give it that at least. but so few people will actually want to use this for storage that it might as well not even be there, if you keep playing, at least ONE of you guildmates is gonna be on if u need items. so that just leaves UT trading, which is a big no-no.


Hard to feel hype for this idea when the main objective you seem to be pursuing is getting free shit from your guild mates.

Generally I just ask over TS what other people want, if somebody needs help remaxing or is trying to make a new pet, etc … then I stay on the lookout for the specific items they need.

So even if you gave me a communal chest to work with, I still wouldn’t use it because I would just farm alongside them and give them what they need and I can spare.

I’m not sure you could really justify implementing an idea like this that requires all the safety measures (just ALL of them) when it’s this redundant with regular trading.


I think the amount of guild mates on is slightly overshadowed by the fact that as of now, they need to dedicate vault space for potential donation items. I know a lot of top-tier players are unlikely to keep T6-T10 items in the vault, and when they do, it is with the primary purpose of using them for the tinkerer. Even so, many players do not keep para/exa rings on hand. As such, the odds of someone being on with all of the the particular items that a player needs to get back on their feet are rather minimal.

Furthermore, I believe that many players would indeed use the chest as a means of accessing items for the tinkerer. I know I personally do not keep any of the potential tinkerer items on hand, and would greatly appreciate a place to get them from, rather than asking my guild mates every time.

To that end, some days I will come across say 10-20 T8 katanas. I will not pick up all of those, even though I know the tinkerer often requires them, simply because I do not want to dedicate vault space to it. While 10-20 is an absurd number to keep in a guild chest, I would certainly be inclined to pick 4-5 of them up and store them in the guild vault chest for future personal/guild tinkerer use.

Lastly, to address the issue of UT trading, I would assume the guild chest would work in a similar fashion as trading such that only tradable items could be deposited in the chest.


Better question: why would a top-tier guild recruit complete newcomers? What’s the point of joining a guild you can’t play with? It’s not fun for anybody.

When someone needs to remax in my guild, everybody contributes by giving whatever they don’t need.

Why did you join a guild that apparently doesn’t even play at the same time as you?

That’s the easiest part, Cyclops God’s and Red Demon’s chests already count as public bags, so any attempt at dropping UTs in them will result in those UTs being put on the ground in purple bags.


Sorry, why should these common ideas be avoided? @Doc

Most all sound smart to avoid, but why Guild Vaults? It’s one addition I have been waiting for a long time to come.
Sounds like Guild Vaults would be a great addition. Could have em function just like the chests that spawn in the highlands.


We advise to avoid topics that have been talked to death, as there is usually nothing worthwhile or new about repeating the conversation for the 100th time.

I expanded the common topics description a bit:


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