Guild ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [Want to Join]


Not much to say, I wanna join a guild. I was in an awesome one before (The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell) but then I slaughtered all of my characters.
I’m back to playing again, so I figured I should join a guild sometime soon.
My characters of this day is just a priest (0/8) but that shouldn’t be too hard to get to 6/8.
I’m not looking for any hardcore guilds, just one with a decent amount of players and one I can hmm out and make friends on.
Anyways, that’s all.


Specified what you wanted to do here.


Git gud


Get yellow star. then join mentors


In all seriousness, any are game dungeons I’m down for. LH, shatts and stuff like dat


I’m good. Did I forget to mention that I don’t want to join a serious guild?






Maybe look into beachzone. If you fit the reqs we’d be glad to have you! :slight_smile:

(also i don’t think the reqs are too strict if you don’t quite meet them)


Good luck my friend! Whenever you meet reqs again, you’ll always have a spot in Mito.


Ah will! I am working on maxing characters. I was a little devastated when my characters died ; - ;. I will see you soon friend c:


I would love to have you in our guild… join Akemi!


Okay! I will take a look, if you want to invite me msg me any time!


Join Toxicity, you will be a nice addition to our guild! We’re just starting out.


you are certainly welcome to join Immoral Intent just msg me or adkm anytime in gam


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