Guill's Pots Command Not Working?


So, I don’t have video, but I was asking guill for pots, and he said stuff like that should last for a while, and nothing appeared and I can’t get pots. Any others experiencing this?

Trivial Issues Thread
A bug [guill spawns no pots chest]
Guill(in Ghall) Is a Troller

If you ask him for pots, there is a 30 second cooldown until you can ask him again - he indicates the period is over by flashing green.


no, he mean he was asking for pots, guill response like he was about to spawn chest, but nothing spawn. i have experience this too, but after 30 secs i ask again and got the pot


Oh right lol sike


To clarify, what I think OP meant is that right after entering the guild hall they asked for pots and guill says the normal text but doesn’t give any potions. I’m guessing it worked later.

I don’t know why it happens but I think it’s just a glitch that happens when you’ve only just entered the guild hall.


Did you try:

Haven’t seen this happen as described, vid would help diagnose though.


Has happened to me, wait 30 seconds and ask again


Same, but I exited ghall and reentered. Also going into a different server ghall would most likely fix but… tp cool down.


That happens if you stand in the first room of the guild hall. Just move into the main room and there should be enough room for him to spawn the chest.


doesn’t he spawn the chest base on the nearest player location?


This has happened to me a few times, just try again later and it works fine.


wat a meme


Don’t instantly ask for pots when you enter, wait around 5 seconds and ask for them.


I had this happen twice as well. Make him say something else first.

I just say “hi” and then “pots” and then it works.


Yes, I have seen this bug for myself. I have Lerner that whenever you go into the hall and immediately demand it he says, “Need some pots? Here you go!” And then he doesn’t throw the chest. I had fixed the myself by saying something like dance or oryx and then when he flashes green ask for some pots.


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Reopening: this bug has not yet been fixed, & moving a vid of this bug from Trivial Issues thread onto here.



Was posted somewhere in this thread I believe. You have to wait a few seconds after entering ghall and then ask for pots, because apparently when you enter through a portal you’re invisible for a small bit and then Guill can’t see where you are so he doesn’t know where to throw the chest.


Changing Worlds trigger a kind of invisibility for the character, the first 5 or so seconds (Don’t know exact number), enemies won’t shoot you or aggro towards you. The Invisibility is not a bug itself, it’s rather that Guill acts the same, but Guill is not an enemy. Guill is a NPC, and this Invisibility apparently happens for NPCs aswell as with Enemies.

This could probably be fixed since it’s not an enemy, it’s just something that can move, so that is why I believe that the Invisibility happens to NPCs aswell.

(You could enter a realm and start a timer, find a pirate and stop the timer once the pirate starts attacking you if you want to know the exact number.)

I’d believe this was made so that you can’t join a dungeon/realm and instantly get aggro’d at, and possibly getting killed. However, if someone else is in a dungeon (an Abyss for example), and drags to the starting room, and then you join. Enemies will shoot at the other player and are able to hit you if you are between the enemy and the other player.
sori for bump btw.