Halloween Giveaway ^_^ [Finished]


Spookiest Experience: First time I did a manor I literally had a jump scare in the first few rooms when the bats charged me down (I wasn’t a great horror fan at the time :P).


I think it was when I connected to rotmg a week ago, and spooky boi was in top of me in nexus. I didn’t know about it, so I litterally jumped in my chair, then realized it was a fake spooky boi.

Good job Deca, Swatsec meme never dies I guess.


Spookiest Experience is when i got blinded by a beholder and was fighting a bunch of gods and the whole time i was standing in lava and died on my 8/8 rogue feelsbad


My spookiest experience was teleporting on someone while the garden statue vas rushing him, before the 1sec addition. Just had enought time to undertand I will die.

Or when rushing shatters on a knight, blinded, confused, and running over a few ice spheres wishing they were not going to fire.

Or teleporting in the godlands, seeing 6 medusas bombs in mid air.


Probably when I dropped to literally 0 HP (no pet at the time, few years back) and wouldn’t increase health or die. Eventually got hit by a stray shot and died.


ty for giveaway :slight_smile:
spookiest experience is when I tped to a friend that was right infront of a avatar on my first 6/8 ever, getting confused and walking onto the avatar and dropping to 2 hp before nexusing


The three most scary experiences for me in my years of playing rotmg was when I nexused after death on my trickster when I was in lava running away from leviathans back in 2012 with my first account. Pretty sure It’s been patched now but you can see an example of it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4k_EXddWjo
The second scariest time was in 2013 when I got all of my values that I could fit in my inventory and tried to haggle in the trading server. I died with all of them, getting a mini heart attack when seeing all the O2s. My last story is not too spooky but kinda spooky. It was when I was just roaming the midlands back in 2013 trying to level up my knight so I could get pots for my rogue easier, when I entered a sprite and saw this type of thing happen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LflbrTbbyuw and it was especially scary because of the moving platforms.


spookiest realm experience: I killed some 20 Pile of Bones and get nothing and the gods drop my health by 30 while i’m killing those Piles :frowning:


Probably when I was doing lost halls and I turned a corner just to sit on the spectral sentry


Nexusing on 6hp on the third shatters boss during tentacles phase while the spot i am standing on is turning into lava


spookiest realm experience was when i sat on spooky boy while there was a horde of crusaders and i almost died to commander, 2 mins later i got killed in a tomb.


My spookiest realm experience has to be the 1st time I went to Godlands. I had no idea what I was fighting, and ended up being chased by 4 Medusas (I was doing okay) until I tried running away from an Ent God by running in a straight line, it predicted my movement and destroyed my rogue.


Spooky experience? Oh DECA’s server rubberbanding the crap out of me and in the end my 7/8 wiz died and I wasn’t able to be at her death bed T.T

"Character is dead"
-.- DECA Ples


My spoooooookiest realm experience was when i was lagging abit on an assassin in glands and I’m walking all nice and peacefully when out of bloody (mary) nowhere a leviathan pops up right on top of me and he pops me scared the crap out of me and i was pissed right after


My spookiest realm experience is back when the oryx horde was up and my 6/8 priest almost died since teleport right on top of the green stuff(green lava lol) that also pops up with the stones blades.


I don’t really have a spooky moment, but I guess the time that I was most scared was when I got down to 5 hp and I nexused. I tried to tank with my 6/8 knight but wasn’t paying attention to my health.


44 HP nexus off the parasite den, I see spooki boi and jump. Then like 20 min later i get the new tome :slight_smile: https://i.redditmedia.com/5UZHed5JYhk_jNqQdUP6iEx3kjg7YzvRwjYoIzqXChg.png?w=276&s=bf027f3739efb9d7c65af1d3f013ab64


Mine is when I first entered the Halloween Nexus, and the Spectral Sentry that’s been wandering around as a decoration was right on top of me. I jumped a bit, then realized it wouldn’t attack. Man I am stupid.


Spookiest realm experience:
About a year ago i was playing a shit ton of realm every day. So, I started getting dreams in my sleep about realm. One day, I had a dream where I was hovering over my characters in the main screen, and one of them had 5 dbows on him. It didn’t make sense, because at that time I didn’t own any dbows. The next day, I woke up and forgot all about the dream, right up until I got 5 dbows in about 20 minutes. It was fucking crazy.


Spookiest moment ? that one time I walked over O2 on my first 6/8 warrior then I saw the stunned icon disappear over his head, lets just say it wasn’t a happy ending.