Halloween Giveaway ^_^ [Finished]


Spookiest realm experience : I watched your hallowen profile picture. So scary!

Well, more seriously, my scariest experience was when I loot cdirk and lagged for like 6 second, then dropped to 35 hp xD
Im now scared from Cube God :o


So this happen like before X16 update
i was playing with friends and a roc dragon spawned and it dropped a lod
me and my friend entered it goes to Feargus
and we didnt realize when we entered the realm closes
so Feargus was taking so much time that realm closes before feargus even got Oofed
so When the realm closes There was an oryx lag me the retard that i am decided to not exit out of realm and was gonna see what happen and and u can only guess what happen next i died my friend didn’t died along with 3 other people the four of them survived me and other people didn’t get so lucky even the people who was standing behind the pillars got oofed my friend send me a screenshot of the tragedy but i can’t seem to find it. but this is the class that i brought into the class http://prntscr.com/h3eihw


Why did you put this godly set on a 0/8 though?


This was my first 7/8 character.I was killing a gods but i suddenly i have lag and … i died with staff of esben,ep,t5 spell,mad lab robe,staff t12,ring t5 hp. But the worst is that as I died I had 1910 fame ;-; 90 to 5 star on wizard ;–;.Ty for giveaway :smiley:


My spookiest rotmg experience was my first time fighting a Jade statue.
I didn’t really know what I was doing and I dropped to 6 hp on my archer.


My spookiest realm realm experience was in my first udl. At the time, I had drunk a few of each stat pot on this wizard, and decided to try this dungeon that I had previously ignored before (I remember some guy had told me I shouldn’t attempt to do it, because it was too hard for me or something) I got to the boss’s quiet/confuse phase. and started taking damage from nothing (it was the quieting bullets, except I didn’t see them). I got hit with the confuse bullets and was freaking out, running around with no mp, no control over my char, and a good chunk of my dps gone. I was taking damage pretty rapidly and was down to about 150 hp when the next phase started. I got hit by the full shotgun of white bullets and dropped to maybe 5 hp. I immediately started mashing that nexus key, but it was taking forever to load the nexus screen. I waited for for 10 mins then sighed and ended the game. When I started the game up again, MY WIZARD WAS STILL THERE. That was pretty spooky to me, because the same thing with the game freezing on the nexus screen had happened before, and my character had died then.


What an adventure! Have a like.


I was ballin with life pots at the time before i went broke


My Spookiest Realm Experience -
When you lag and sat on Bes in a tomb and you drops to about 20 HP… I always lag once the tomb bosses starts.


Jacking it to RotMG rule 34 and my parents walk in


My spookiest realm experience: Sitting on Avatar w/ 7/8 wizard: lag saved my life (never thought i would say that)


My Spookiest Realm experience was when I was going to an Avatar, to hopefully get a shatters, but Spookie Boi and the big man were stacked on the Avatar. This was spookie cause I almost died from Spookie Boi.


My Spookiest Realm Experience…

I was very excited on the day the Lost Halls was released. I did not really want to do the dungeon (people told me it was hard.) I went into the realm, and was running around when I saw the Spectral Sentry event. I was really curious and ran into the area. Spooky Boi came up to me, and I dropped to 30 hp.


Rotating around a raging Bes and seeing that Jackal assassin in the corner of your screen


My first time doing a halloween cem when it just came out, was definitely the spookiest moment. I just came back to realm and had a 2/8 knight which for me was a lot at a time as first day coming back and someone popped that cem. We tried to trio and I was really scared was shaking, I sat on a confusing guy and dropped to 70 hp while having pet stasus. I was dodging for my life but I saw that red bullet coming for me. Rip that snowman.


My spookiest realm experience…

…would have to be the time that I was a red star, soloing a tomb after everyone had nexused. Seconds before, my friend’s 8/8 knight had been shotgunned by Bes. I was on a knight as well, trying to stun Bes and kill him. As I went in for a stun, I got stunned, rendering my shield useless. Bes immediately fully shotgunned my character. For .5 seconds I saw the shotgun, until I all of a sudden was DCed. I would have died if it weren’t for the random disconnect. That was the scariest moment and gave me a heart attack!


My spookiest realm experience is very spooky!
when my paden died


Spookiest experience : First time rushing cdepths was half way through rush thought it was going well, too well… Suddenly, lags, start black tiling. Hoping it was only a short lag spike I carried on. Hp started dropping was freaking out. Luckily, it was only a short lag spike so manage to finish rush and get 0 :smiley: .


So I have this strange problem. Sometimes when I nexus, before I get back into the nexus my screen will flash back to the last image I saw before hand. So, (the first time this occured) I nexused with a 4/8 warrior from a shatters… just after a ice sphere sat on me. Then suddenly my screen flashed back to the image of my warrior getting mauled by an ice sphere. I freaked out for about 5 seconds until the comforting nexus screen appeared.


My spookiest experience was when I was on my 7/8 rogue, soloing a trench and then got surrounded by ponies and unluckily, uncloaked. I got paralyzed and dropped down to less than 50 hp, I then used a planewalker to get away, ended up on a pony (It was a frantic thing, I didn’t aim anywhere in particular) and then, seeing as that I was about to perish, closed the browser.