Halloween skins pt.2


I only got 4 skins done before giving up on this. The wishing well isn’t the final version, I was going to give it a cemetery grave color scheme with wriggling vines. I also gave up on the priest skin.

Though why I would give up you ask? Because this format does not get noticed in the slightest on reddit. So I’m going to switch over to a flat .jpeg format that just shows the 9 frames of the skins unanimated against a background from now on.

here they are

Here’s an example of how what I mean above:

It’s a Piranha Priest. Pretty nifty, eh?


I need permission, I can’t access the file


Fixed it.


Nice skins!


Just converted the wendigo to the new format. :sunglasses:

Here’s an image close to my idea for reference.


Skins are pretty neat and I like the presentation!


The warrior skin looks great!


Ickabod master of skins.


Love the spirited reference but skin it self is terrible however the warrior skin looks great.


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