Halls cap


Of course its not just skill. Stats and pet level do matter but thats part of the point. As a endgame dungeon, it should require a strong pet and maxed stats. If you could do it without, then its not endgame.


I’d rather have endgame dungeon with pet stasis everywhere to be honest, that is imo more endgame that just make non dodgeable stuff that you need pet/priest to tank up. But in any case, pet do make the most of the skills you’re talking about, and the maxed stats is not sufficient either, as you can’t duo void with 2 priests, even with divine pet and 8/8
edit : but I’m diverging the topic so I guess I’ll stop there, in any case, way too big groups are a problem, and having a dungeon cap would be a good thing after the bypass limit gets fixed too


Im also for pet stasis in halls. Although you can’t duo with 2 8/8 priests with divine as there is a dps cap, we aren’t talking about expecting everyone to complete two people runs, we’re talking about caps of 30-40


Keep in mind halls discords require like 95 mheal pets for the mystic, which is equally to seven hundred wis. I’d love to argue anti pet, but dungeons are built and balanced around them.


Isn’t that for full-skip runs only? I don’t think a run style where you literally rush past everything in the rest of the dungeon, requiring several specific classes/pet mheal levels is what the dungeon was built and balanced around… lost halls would be balanced more around how a non-full skip run would do the dungeon (even then, the intention might not have been for groups to skip oryx and golem rooms entirely, and instead clear them like how it used to be, plus going over the 85 cap just messes with a ton of stuff including the framerate and server latency)


Put this in Ideas?

Edit: Wait, I’m a Reg. I can do it myself.

Please put it back if it isn’t supposed to be there. <3


that is a player-enforced requirement for player-owned groups who use a player-invented strategy of running past literally everything out of sheer laziness. to argue that LH is built and balanced around that is laughable. if LH was intended to be run in that manner, you wouldn’t need to resort to such extreme requirements to somehow force the horde of players through content. the “requirements” discords have to resort to these days aren’t because beating LH is hard, but because they’re effeciency addicts and enforcing stricter and stricter requirements is ez ego fuel. LH is actually a joke, and the only thing you really need for the entire dungeon except for the MBC “YOU WILL COME WITH ME” phase is persistence. you do need a pet or a bunch of priests to carry you for that one phase though, unless you’re an extreme outlier in terms of skill and get lucky with shot patterns.



:sweat_smile: tbh it can go to either


I’ve had a concept flying around in my head - since the towers are what makes MBC at least 40% more difficult and/or annoying, yet removing them would bee a bit of a rough nerf (especially for Knight, who’s already in a pinch in usefulness during the fight; Stunning the towers is its major contribution).

So, why not fully base the Towers’ attacks on the Colossus’ phases?
Lower fire rate during phases where the spammy Marble Rocks are active, only specific effects during specific phases (f.e. Daze/Weak during Key phases, no Slow during tentacles), maybe even being fully disabled during survival!

Idk, just a small idea that might improve the fight and make it a bit more fun/fair >w<


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