Handwriting Thread


Oh I see


我的中文也不是很好 ;(



Still waiting for Jason to post, I wonder how much :beers: we need to feed him to coerce him to upload.


Just offer up a bunch of alcohol, Tim Horton’s, and weed. That ought to do the trick


Or just summon him, @Shatter, like so.



Now that may work


And yet, you arrived nonetheless.


Yeah but never shall i arrive to post writting


What’s this? A relevant thread opened and untouched for over 2 years? Arise, deceased topic, or forever float in the abyss untouched!

I’m a slow, clumsy hand-writer with spacious text, and I only ever write in cursive (when I write at all). For nearly every writing assignment in school, I would type it out and format it to look pretty, and in my only year in a public school, I literally recreated entire questionnaire pages digitally and type out my answers, then print it out for teachers that were resistant to electronic work. It could be a fun challenge at times!

That being said, have any of you improved since your last posts, or for you newcomers, what does your handwriting look like, in whatever languages you use?


oh my. The only respectable length thing I’ve written recently is an essay for Spanish class, this is my introductory paragraph

I write pretty quickly, but I’m not great at keeping words on the lines, and it’s legible, but not great


no offense but my mom would call those jumping worms.


linear algebra notes are written on the reverse side of this page. you’re welcome to try reading them through the imprints they make but I guarantee you it’s not really interesting.


oh im not offended at all, I know that my handwriting it not very good