Haven't play for few years, what is new and is it worth coming back?


Tell me what is new and are there still tryharders that ruin the game?


Can you elaborate on tryharders that ruin the game?


Play something else


If by “tryhards” you mean the Discord Elitist mentality, then yes, it’s stronger than ever in some ways. Not all are bad eggs or anything, but they have shaped the game now. Many seem to have either

a) Try the game for a little and quit/play a few times every year (nothing new)
b) Want to try their hand at being the best and learn the game through Discords (the newer content almost seems to require it for those players, especially when attempting exaltations)
c) Forge their own path solo/with a few friends, and either succeed in dominating the endgame content, or remain content with their own little PPE (or similar adaptation) challenges to create some artificial difficulty.

The Realms aren’t touched very much save events anymore, because most prefer the efficiency of server Key pops or previously mentioned Discord runs. If you’re looking for OG Realm, I would advise turning away for now. There has been loose talk of creating a better Realm for the game, but as of now, for whatever internal company reasons people can speculate, it isn’t a reality right now, and the game culture has shifted away from what it used to be for many, many reasons.

But, if you’re into Discord oriented grinding, be my guest. There are enough people that like that! I would advise speaking with some veterans to find the chill groups though.


Firstly, welcome back. A lot of changes were made during past years and most notably IC/OoC system. Within that package, Exaltation is now a thing.

Second, dungeon reworks (mid-game dungeons got revamped completely).

HP scaling got revamped, twice.


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