HavinFun (EUE) is recruiting


@Jackleap and @EXPlayer, i have sent you both friend requests in game, so we can meet for the actual guild invite


I have sent you a friend request too, FrankLp


best of luck bro hope it will be super successful


Okay i accepted it, when are you online in Rotmg ?, so that we can both meet up at the same Time


Thanks, i’ve had a full guild once, close to full a second time, and we’re closing in on becoming full once again :wink:


i need a guild an active one please.


i’ll send you a friend request in game, so we can meet for the guild-invite. I think we’re pretty active


Hey, I’d like to join


i’ll log in and send you a friend request, for easier meeting for the actual guild invite


Recruiting again


Hi, I’m an returning player, i’m quite bad, had some 6/8 chars but 0 8/8. Can i join?


hello ! can I join ? got 7/8 triskter


@Megaxsards and @Ilyasthego, i sent you both friend requests in game, so we can meet for the actual invites.


I would want to join your guild but I wanted to ask how many dungeons you guys open?


We do open some, occasionally. But do you too?


Can I please join??


Sorry for the late reply, but i sent you a friend request in game, so we can meet for the actual invite into the guild


not regularly, however I just popped a 100 euro paysafe card and wanted to do some tombs and I need like 2 to 3 people that I can do them with.




I’d be very interested in joining
I live in NZ, and my playing hours often tie into European hours (basically opposite time zones, my morning will be your night etc) but have few friends I can play with.

I have a somewhat reckless playstyle by myself and often die, but I have a few mules with a plethora of pots and gear to get right back into it. Mainly looking for the aspect of having people to share achievements and organise dungeons with.