Help! I don't know what to do[false accusations case]


So this is IRL. My sister got this camera as a gift and records me without knowing when she is angry at me. Sometimes she just walks in to my room and accuses me of doing bad things, one example is going on websites I shouldn’t be on or playing video games when i’m allowed to but then acting like im not. The worst thing is that I don’t do what she accuses me of doing and i’m scared she’s going to show my parents. Also the worst part is that she shows her friends the recodings.


any advice is appreciated. Breaking the camera is not an option cause then things probably get worse


Firstly… how old are you?


I know this whole topic is childish. I am almost 14 and my sister is 12.


Ouch… I think a better way to lock your door when you are in your room. Another possible mitigation is install a camera outside of your room to see as well.


I don’t have a lock in my room. Oof. Edit these forums are so nice you don’t have to refresh and it shows when people are replying


If you KNOW you have done nothing, then it’s safe to tell your parents. In your best interest not to lie either.

What your sister is doing… is very much illegal where I live.


ye i’m in california it is illegal there. Also little siblings are the worst.


Can’t relate. I’m an only child.

You should probably tell an adult rn before it escalates into something bigger. Which is not good.


Ok. Also I don’t feel like telling my parents about the website example I gave. They will question on how I know alk those things.


What website? Can’t be that bad… I hope?


ill give an example. She comes in my room recording and shouts stuff like, I found your nudes collection or some thing like that. or names ph. I have no intention on going their cause it is not good to do so. I dont even know how she knows about all this stuff either


Well… if u aren’t doing that stuff just tell ur parents. nothing to be scared of.


ok, my dad is sus of me though and in his culture french to be exact there is an expression that people use when someone is lazy. Il se touche la nouille or in english he is yanking his noodle. Sometimes he says this to me when im lazy and i feel like he is sus. hope you understood this


Again, if you have done nothing wrong then you shouldn’t be scared of anything. Just because somebody is older, doesn’t mean that you should actually be scared or whatever.


ok. Once my father knows, it doesn’t stop my sister from filming me before school and showing everyone.


Then tell the teacher. Same school district, disciplinary action can be taken.


In Republic of China if I can remember correctly?


i live in california


My bad man but either way… Trimax seriously need to have a lock or more false accusations would come.