Hey Deca [christmas request]


Naw man. I think you guys just need some time and investment. And some skill?


Decker Fri jug pl0x


ā€œtime and investmentā€

every 6 year old account that has never had a jugg


Dear Decker,
I whish for a pyra
or at least some kind of tomb loot
Exempt another mark


Yo deca, a reskin winter t13 robe and an ice crown would be a great gift this christmas!


Letā€™s have a white christmas!

Also, moved to #community-hub


i never got a cookie for joinin :<


How about, Deker fix asia server ples


DECA fix all server


Hey Deca,

Hi Deca. I just want to tell you, GREAT job with the work, you have made changes that Kabam couldnā€™t do in a year! (Secret #1. Buttering up Deca.) Christmas is almost here and well, as your greatest fan EVER, I feel like it wouldnā€™t hurt to grant a few of my wishes. If you donā€™t, well I wonā€™t do much. Iā€™ll just hack into your systems and make ROTMG unplayable forever. (Secret #2. Threatening Deca.) All I want, Deca, is everything the other forum users have posted here. (Secret #3. Putting all your wishes into one.) My IGN is ZHIZAM. I expect my goods to be delivered to me for free on Christmas. (Secret #4. Make sure that you donā€™t have to pay for your gifts.) Remember about me wrecking ROTMG. (Secret #5. Remind Deca about the threat.)

Do not let me down,


Iā€™d like a bloody cloakā€¦
or a vile trapā€¦
or a beehemoth quiverā€¦



I want

a r


#L I V E


gibe me bagston pl0xxx


Hi Deker, plax gibe me admin powas. I pwomise I wont kil anybody. I ned teh fre itenz lik admin cwown an divin pet. Thx Deker, I lik dem itenz fwee. I hav been vewy gud boi dis yeer an I wil cwy if u no gibe teh itenz.



Hi Deca,

Make Forum Pet and gimme the powers to become ā€˜Legendaryā€™ so I can roast and scorch all my enemies to ashes so the could never reign on me again! I AM THE FIRE GOD! Anyways, have a gud holide



Hey Deca,

For Christmas could you
#Buff Hydra?



Decker bring back Buffed Hyrda Skin Armor it wuz so gud


i would like a bracer. if not, prya pls.



Tbh this thread is just a ticking time bomb to @_krathan


Hey deca, can I have a fire armor please?